Day 4, Atonement of the the weak

Next morning.

Lucas woke up in the early in the morning and he keep doing his daily routine and daily quest.

Few hours later, a Lucas stayed at the highest building near in there hideout after, he finished his quest and checked the route they will passed by, including the surrounding zombies. he confirmed everything is the same and said. "Open reward."


[opening rewards 1%... 100%]


[Emergency quest: S -

• Special gift:

- add 50 AP stats

- ō-wakizashi (cursed blade)

- binoculars (advance)

• random skill book:

- arcane runes mastery (passive/active)

• 1,000,000 experience accumulation

• 250,000 gold]

[daily quest: random reward

- capsule item (King size bed)]

Seeing the reward, Lucas was disappointed since this is first time he received a S - rank in his emergency quest. When he read the daily quest and cursed inside and said.

"system, I was wondering this in the very beginning. You are not an evolution system rather an erotic system, right?"

He said in confusion since he obtained the system. He occasionally received any related item in erotic activities, yet in his daily quest he received everyday an erotic related items.


[the System provide anything for host to be motivated. The System do everything for host to be top of the of the food chain.]

When he finished reading the notification, he cursed and said "tsk.. what a shameless system."


"Rosario, you reveal yourself, I want to see you." Lucas said while looking at the surrounding.


A space tear happened at Lucas side and a little girl walked out while flapping her butterfly wings. She pouty her little lips and looked at Lucas in hatred, replied.

"So, Host! you can still remember me?"

"Sorry! Rosario I w---- oohh~ oohh~ don't punch my head. I will become more dumb, alright sorry Rosario." Lucas said to Rosario while she keep punching his head repeatedly, even though her little fist didn't have much strength.

*few minutes later*

Lucas gathered enough information related to quest especially about daily quest. The basis of daily quest is about a strong desire of host for them to motivated. Learning the daily quest basis, he can only shake his in regret since being handsome is a problematic as well.

And the second information is about the system A.I. Once they manifest outside world they are partial bind in system core, but she is still bind in Lucas soul, since she received a name. According to her they have stealth mode in there stealth will depend on system level update, but if they received a damage they hibernate according to the damage they received.

"So, host I want you to update the system and fulfill the requirements one of them is gold metal." Rosario said to Lucas.

*Few minutes later*

Lucas returned after he stayed at the highest building for scouting and gathered the representative told them his his final plan. When he asked about the survivors.

"They are not find someone went crazy and almost kill other people. Also, most of us are discourage and there moral is low. I don't know If they can last for few days." Mariam replied, know she understood the reality of apocalypse.

"*sigh~* let them gather, I will encourage them." Lucas said and stand toward the entrance while waiting to the rest of survivors to gather. When they are all gathered, he shouted.

"I know all of you suffered from the traitors action, but we can't blame them rather blame yourself being weak." Lucas said and seeing there guilt, anger, regret, etc. He smiled and continued

"So, you want to do something? live because your life will not end in someone death. Carry and engraved there death in your heart to live in atonement. Live in this hell for others, as sign of atonement. They died for you and let them rest, since they hope for you to live. You have suffered once, so you must be strong enough to protect what is important to you." Lucas said and mocked them he said. "So live for your own atonement, weakling."

He walked outside and said to them once again.

"I will be leaving this place and live in this hell for other, you! what you want to live for?"

When they heard Lucas word. All the survivor cried likewise, the soldiers cried as well since they remembered previous comrades. They keep murmuring Lucas word like a chant they keep repeating to engraved everything inside there heart saying. ' live in atonement '

Even, Lucas little lovers, Sir. Nicholas and Mariam. They cried and said "Is this the encouragement he meant?"

yet, all of them smiled since they can see a resolved in there eyes.

Lucas standing outside while smoking. Listening to the people's cry and smiled unconsciously. Then he heard Rosario voice saying.

"Host! Did you remember your previous life? Your speech earlier is your previous vow, right? Your vow in front of your previous lovers tomb." Rosario said.

"Yes! Rosario I vow to her once in front of her tomb in my previous life to live in atonement since I'm a weak and this my desire to be strong." Lucas replied and continued "Rosario call my name since it's weird."

"Yes! Lucas... " Rosario replied while laughing and Lucas asked "why you are laughing?"

"little Lucas are you ready, but why you are smiling?" Jane asked Lucas as she hug his back.

"Well, I felt weird. To say those words once again." Lucas replied and kiss Jane.

When they entered the hideout toward the group of survivors. A certain creature standing looking at them from distance. He looked at them in confusion and curiosity. He didn't treat them as food rather he felt a strong desire to protect them especially he saw a middle age woman who is hugging her daughter.

If, Mariam saw this she know him. He is Mr. Thomas he was shot by Michael's bullet, yet he keep fighting to protect his family until he died.