Zombie wave: The true face of zombie leader! (part 2)

Seeing the notification, Lucas was speechless and shake his in disappointment. He said

"Before, we start I want all essential information:

1. Remaining hours for completing the vehicle modification and must fully loaded with fuel.

2. Estimated numbers of zombies and there location including hours before the contact.

3. Available military personnel especially in bomb specialist and remaining round of bullets.

Also, I want this following materials to be gathered together as much as you can."

Lucas said while executing different command. Nicholas face twitch because his action is like he doesn't much expectation toward him. He can only shake his head and gave sign to complete his command.

One military officers step forward and took the paper with the list of materials inside. He was confused seeing different materials like Alcohol, bulb, sulfur soap, charcoal pencil, laptop batteries etc. So, he asked

"Sir. what is this for?"

"Explosive, I.E.D and modified bomb." Lucas replied while doing some outline.

The people inside dumbfound at Lucas reply. They shouted inside 'Are you a terrorist? before apocalypse.' Lucas felt uncomfortable in there gaze he shake his head and replied.

"Don't looked at me like some dirt. In, the first place no one will care. If, we used some bomb in apocalypse unless someone will used a nuclear bomb, we will be facing humanitarian law. I forget zombies are not counted as human anymore." Lucas said while laughing in his own humor.

"Go and gather the materials unless you want to welcome the zombies with open arms?" Lucas said to the officer in his side.

The military officers salute and leave hurriedly without waiting in Nicholas command, since he don't want to confront them without explosive.

Few second later, a scout carrying reports including some photos, He said.

"Sir, we estimated there is around 1000 zombies more or less. According to our calculation zombies wave will arrived in 3 hours if, they maintain there speed of March. Also, we used our drones to survey the zombies and we captured this group of zombies."

One of the scout step forward and distribute the photos, but his body is shaking like he is holding something after, distributing he salute and run outside.

In there curiosity they looked in pictures capture by drones upon seeing. Both parties started to throw up, some become embarrassed and throw the pictures. When Nicholas saw the photo his face become pale and throw the pictures while Lucas looked in curiosity. When he looked at the photos he laughed, so hard while wiping his tears and said unconsciously.

"f*ck! He hugged the New path even he became zombie."

"Lucas, what did you do?" Nicholas asked.

"*sigh~* nothing father in law. I just let him test the heaven before he died. So, he became my first human experiment." Lucas said in smirk.

The people inside terrified saying 'heaven? do think we're fool. A human who was r**e by zombies is heaven? f*ck!'

Because, the photos inside is Michael who die few days ago, but right know he became a zombie leading 1,000 more or less zombies. The disturbing things they saw is Michael is sitting some bulky zombies while drooling. As, lead them and his surrounding is disturbing and sinful view because all of zombies are enjoying. Zombie Michael right know is promoting free s*x and LGBT's among the zombie group.

With there death stare at him. Lucas smiled bitterly an said to the scout and Pat his shoulder saying.

"Good job for not laughing!" Lucas said looked at him continued. "Scout the surrounding area do some cleaning and collect some zombie blood and organs the more is the better we will be using this to be decoy and make them to assault each other."

Then scout salute and leave likewise they heard a laughed from the outside.

Lucas looked at the official who was assigned and make a request.

"Sir, gave us estimated time when the two modified vehicles will be finish."

"Sir. Lucas, we estimated everything will be finished around 5 to 6 hours since we're full modification on each vehicles." The official replied.

The official was nervous since is not easy to modify each vehicles, especially lack of crew.

"*sigh~* Take your time all I need the vehicles will be finished before 5 hours. Since, after this operation zombies inside the city square will become more aggressive. If we managed to kill the leader of this zombie wave we will be safe for awhile likewise failure is extinction of the group. So, me must be prepared about everything." Lucas and take the note.

"Sir. Nicholas this is the battle plan. I conducted in accordance of our numbers and terrain advantage. So, we only need to adjust." Lucas said

When Nicholas took the note and read the following information. He was amazed since everything it's in detailed including materials. He shake his head said. 'what is inside Lucas brain having a planned within 4-5 minutes with great details.'

"*Sigh~" we will follow Lucas plan, but we must discussed everything." Nicholas said toward others.

*30 minutes later*

Both parties from government and military official made a brainstorm while Lucas explained everything to them from pros and cons. Including materials, but the obstacles, wooden traps are under Cynthia. With her help everything settled and become more efficient.

Lucas is in top of a building looking below and mutter. "Let the operation surfer begin!"