Day of flames and system update

When Clark and his six buddies accepted, Lucas. They feel something like there potential has been opened. They also feel there thirst has been satisfied. like they encountered an oasis in midst of there journey in the desert. They we're all happy especially Clark's former family since, they will be together once again.

Mariam, who witness the alliance between Lucas and Clark. She was surprised and shiver because she saw a deep darkness behind Lucas. She doesn't know, If those are just illusion, but she feel eerie everytime she remember the 'thing', behind him. She looked at Lucas in confusion and made a decision...

Lucas, who witness there emotions through his observation haki. He smile unconsciously since he discovered a new born emotion from the zombies inside there consciousness. He also, sense Mariam fear and confusion. He almost laughed he know from the beginning humanity is afraid from unknown and only few who dare to challenge it. He said to them.

"Welcome! Clark and crew to my pirate ship. So, as the leader. Clark and the rest must gathered two additional vehicles and this task must be completed before night. So, all you wander. Why we need to collect two if one is enough. Reason is simple we will be using one of the two as decoy since we don't know. Who will be encounter in the future. This dummy will is specialize in road cleaning, obstacles clearing, etc."

Upon hearing, they understood and accepted Lucas first mission, since it's a good thing having a dummy. Lucas smiled at them and continued.

"We should start know since, we will asked other's to modify the vehicles."

*Night time*

The survivors group travel has been cancel. Since traveling at night it's not a wise decision. Also, they celebrate and mourn of the death of 5 people. They burn there bodies because they witness the body of dead people will revive as an undead. Also, as a sign of respect Lucas burn them with his own purification flames to set them free and celebrate being alive. Also, the survivors group decided practice event to remember there experience.

(The next generation, this event called a day of flames. Where the generation learned: First defeat of zombie wave and they set there comrades free with flames as a sign of cleansing. this is another story happened later.)

Also, during there celebration Lucas gathered some people and told them about Clark and 6 zombies. At first they are against, but Lucas assured them. In, the end they agreed since it's not Hostile and Lucas can control them. Also, having extra 7 people is better than losing more people during the journey. Lucas asked them to gather some people to modify an extra vehicles Clark and his 6 subordinates they brought. Because one of this vehicle will become a dummy and be put at the first vehicle in there fleet. This dummy will be use carrying demolition of any roadblock and obstacles during the travel. Also, make it attractive to mislead any group with evil intention.

When they heard Lucas explanation all of them agreed and amazed at Lucas way of thinking. So, they agreed and gather more people. They told them the planned and the rest of survivors agree and help the vehicle modification.

*10pm. Inside the Juggernaut v.1*

Lucas opened his eyes beside him is his own three little lover. When he turn his head he smiled unconsciously. Because, he was able to gather three of his little lover, yet he is still worried about Chu and Patrica. *sigh~*

Lucas went outside to meditate and open his reward. When he went outside. He encounter Mariam and she looking at the ceiling.

"Beautiful madam! Are you thinking about me?" Lucas asked in joking manner and went to her side.

"Yes! Lucas, I want to know you more, yet I'm afraid upon knowing you and leave us behind someday." Mariam replied and looked at Lucas eyes in her eyes fear, worried and concerned can been seen.

"I feel you will leave us someday. Lucas who are you? Since in the beginning, I keep asking this question. As, you walked as Hell Butler, but earlier. I don't know anymore. I'm already afraid..." Mariam said and slowly hug him. As, her tears flow in her eyes.*sob**sob* She continued.

"Lucas please don't leave us. I don't know anymore if, someday you will leave us."

She realized Lucas is not just a new father figure of Jairah nor insurance for her survival, but a pillar of her support. She liked Lucas in the first day, but in passed four days. She doesn't know anymore.

Lucas, smiled unconsciously and hug her. He himself doesn't know him anymore as well. He only know his true name and Lucas are the same. He is Lucas D. Cale.

"Mariam, If I tell you. I was existence like an messenger of god and death. Will you believe me? My existence is like a venom and a medicine for others, but I have one goal to be the strongest to punch him the supreme being. Who sent me to this world and thank him for knowing my little lover, including Jairah and you Mariam. Also, I will not leave you behind even you will become a zombies. I will kill death to brought you back. This is not a joke since I'm death himself." Lucas said to Mariam and comb her hair while hugging her.

Mariam look at Lucas and she remember the 'thing' at Lucas back. know she understood eerie feeling is the death looking at her. Lucas looked at her and kissed her instantly.

Mariam accepted Lucas advance against her. Few minutes later, Lucas stopped his action and Mariam look at him. She hate Lucas for stopping his action and she hug him to continue his act.

"Mariam go to sleep since we will be leaving tomorrow morning." He said while squeezing her butt and kiss her forehead, he whispered. "we can do it anytime, so sleep already. Good night."

So, Mariam leave Lucas in bitterness. Lucas looked at her smile. Few minutes later, Lucas was alone and a new notification pop-up once again.


[System update]