Day 5 Rein's mutation and ambush

9:08am. Morning,

A sound of vehicles roaring across the road and there destination is Del Trinidad de University one of the largest University of Francia. At, first there plan is directly went to Lucaña port bay, but along the way they received a distress signal from the group of survivors at the other side. The military personnel agreed instantly since only high ranking official can used this way of distress call. Also, Lucas as well easily agreed since one of his little lover is a student of the prestigious University likewise the government officials agreed since having more survivors is an advantage especially in manpower. Also, having potential Ally is better and along the way they can restock there supplies.

During there journey they encountered different group of zombies. But all of them are being handled by Clark and his 6 subordinates for there food supplies and training. Since Lucas gave Clark a full authority to lead his former subordinates in the battlefield which made them grateful. Especially the six zombies because they are more comfortable than Lucas since Lucas is like wolf shepherd leading the flock of sheep.

Shigo is keep moving around hunt for his snack and amusement. In, Shigo situation is different from others Lucas asked him. If, he want to return at pet space, but Shigo disagree because his mission is to protect the king and summoned his kin and become prosperous once again. Lucas understood everything. So, he gave him one condition reduce his height and become a normal size of a lion. He happily agreed and he is staying at the back row with Lucas subordinates. He didn't disturb him and they become together in there long journey.

Due to the noise of the fleet it keep attracting a group of intelligent zombies since they can't stopped them. They put some obstacles, but the martyr keep its demolishing them along the way. So, survivors group journey become a smooth sailing toward there destination.

*Inside the Juggernaut*

Lucas gathered all of his little lover and somehow Mariam joined them. All of his little lover smiled bitterly, They know the former president of Francia is already under the charm of Lucas. Lucas saw the situation he can't do anything. So, he asked the rest to join. Since, they are under his banner including the Rein and her mother. Also, his action is a sign of trust toward them. When he offered them to joined both mother and daughter are grateful since Lucas trusted them.

So, Lucas explained everything about him, his Abilities, etc. But he didn't include his reincarnation, system evolution. Also, the rest followed him because this is the best way to understand, there comrade in arms. Also, this way they can easily trust there back at someone else's with a peace of mind.

When the ladies heard Lucas mutant abilities which he called 'gamer'. At, first they can't believe him, but Lucas invite his little lover to form a chat group and he also invited the rest to be connected with him through his message sub function. Upon, realizing they are surprised even Mariam want to share this skill. Because the use of skill, but Lucas told her about the drawback.

"Sorry! Mariam for destroying your expectation, but there are few requirement should be fulfilled before receiving the this function like they are trusted, be considered as family and has a certain contact with me." Lucas said with a smile. But, deep inside him saying 'I don't want them to joined me. Because it's disgusting to think some guys is inside me. Also, I didn't want to hear some dude within my garden full of fairies.'

Hearing his word the ladies especially his three little lovers. They turned there head because they know this guy is lying in front of them without blinking. Also, they know the reason he is lazy to care toward them. Mariam who is sharp know Lucas is a bastard and he lied with an innocent expression.

*ehem~* Seeing there face, Lucas acted like he didn't see those condemning eyes. He also, told them about the Juggernaut v.1 secret. When they heard a great secret they we're shocked because this thing is like a moving fortress and Lucas revealed his little red. When they saw her an A.I in hologram. They we're shaken and astonished. Since they know her, she is Red Queen from the resident evil and this movie is a blockbuster like in his previous world. During there discussion, Lucas give Rein a bloodstone and wounded his hand while presenting her.

"Rein take the blood stone crush it before consuming. Also, drink my blood because it will become your vessel for the virus. Though it sounds gross, but you must do it." Lucas said to her in embarrassment. Though he has a thick skin, but he has no strange hobbies.

The ladies looked at him like an abnormal beast. Hearing his word and command toward Rein. Yet Rein didn't hesitated she crush and drink his blood instantly because, she know Lucas is reliable though sometimes he is pervert. But she can trust him than any guys she meet before.

They saw everything and can't believe him. As, they turned there head toward Cynthia and Angeline, they shake there head and shrugged in embarrassment. *Gulp~* They looked at them and disbelief. When Rein drunk everything the atmosphere become heavy and the ladies can't believe this is the process.

"Concentrate don't let yourself lost your own consciousness. Because you we're dead once that happened. Also, your situation is different from Cynthia who face the near death experience. Which human has an instinct to fight back in bitter end. So control them and Don't let yourself to lost consciousness." Lucas said to her and looked at them. He smiled helplessly and answer them.

"Don't looked me like 'that'. I have no special hobbies like drinking blood. *shh~* Don't disturb her and let her meditate to choose her path own path."

They looked away and the ladies can't blame them. Because they heard hell Butler like to drink blood of others in rumors.

Few hours later of safe travel. Lucas and ladies including Jairah do there own activities. playing games, watching movie, cooked some food, etc. while Mrs. Thomas keep watching her daughter. Then...

"Help! Help! Help!" A group of women running toward them and some carrying a crying child.

When the ark 1 and 2 vehicles stopped and ready to opened the door. Lucas communicate them immediately saying.

"Prepare for Ambush! I repeat this is Ambush!

*bang ~ bang~ bang~*