Crimson sun baptism (part 2 - last)

*In a certain building, rooftop*

Lucas take a risk since his body become especial and evolved to 'all chaos body' with his mutant ability which is unknown to him, but his guess is mutation is related to his body. So, he took a risk with a minimum protection like stealth talisman and a stone barrier he keep in his inventory before the system update. Lucas meditate in his meditation map since he will grow faster.

When the time set in 12noon. Lucas was directly exposed from the crimson sun, blood mist and rain. During his meditation his the world started to change every creatures become more stronger and mutate in higher form. Also, Lucas himself was included in the changes his body a runes or old writing started to form in his body like living tattoo. He felt his cells and mind enjoy the energy and become more stronger. When he thought he can handle the changes since no system interference, but...


[System 2nd update completed!]


[System update completed!... @#@# System rebooting 1%...58%...100% System reboot complete... system start 1%...100%... System complete! Welcome Host once again...]

Lucas cursed silently and relieved since he can use the system shop and system map, but his joy was destroyed instantly...


[System detect energy density... 1%...100%... System confirmed 2 percent chance of harming the host... System detect host cultivation is capable of cleansing the harmful substance due to host body... System force to absorb energy for breakthrough @#@#... Host please keep your consciousness... System detect Gaia blessing... System detect Host mutation was activated... System detect... host foundation is not balance... System calculate host total current stats 50+ minimum and maximum of 700+... System recalculate and analyze the host for the better foundation... Host please keep you're consciousness...1%...]

Lucas groan because he felt his body was forcefully deconstruct and reconstruct once again. Then, he keep his consciousness remembering his little lover and goal while he keep rotating the energy in his body.


[100%... System analyze completed... System forced to purchase the following abilities... body-mind solidification, pure soul solidification... System purchase following items 3 cleansing pills, orb of Nirvana flames, orb of extreme cold and yin-yang diagram... Penalties of forced purchase 25,000,000 gold and - 3 levels... Host unsealed and received one of the Gaia blessing... Pure heart... Mutation was activated and unsealed two following abilities... Synchronization and learner... System detect and automatically approved... to synchronize some of the abilities, side job, etc... Host please hold you're consciousness...]

Then, Lucas feel a sudden burst of extreme coldness and hotness in his body. He almost lost his consciousness due to the extreme changes inside and outside of his body, mind including his soul. Then, Lucas keep remembering his little lover and his companion. His desire to protect them and his determination to survive.


A lightning strike him and his body went through a new metamorphosis. Then, a black hole appeared in around him and a powerful suction happened consuming the energies in the surrounding and the surrounding zombies escape and some started tremble. Since, a strong predator was went through a breakthrough during the 2nd baptism.

Also, due to Lucas metamorphosis his little lover was failed due to energy density, but a suction happened. Then, they successfully survived and evolved to a mutator and become a prime mutant like Lucas, but his little lover are false prime.

*10 minutes later*

Lucas opened his eyes and smile. Because he gain a great harvest in his great risk and he smell a disgusting smell in his body. He smiled for he came prepared and he wash his body while removing the stains in his body. Then, he discovered an odd writing in his body and symbols like a tattoo mark. He was clueless even the use of his language comprehension or his arcane Rune mastery. He shake his head and forgetting those mark. He said in excitement "Opened system update."


[System update and new functions:

• Map

- Distance increase to 15 km (max)

- Radar radius increase to 5 km (max)

- Vision ward time duration increase by 8 hours per day

• Log

- Coordination auto record

- Memo

• Party

- Increase to 11 members with 5 AP and title effect bonus.

- Contract: 1 party with 3 members and 2 AP

• Inventory

- Auto repair

- Auto cleanse

- Shared item box for party 100x100 block and each members received a personal item box with 50x50 block

• Daily quest (re adjust)

• Contract (two time used) - Special privelage for someone with 100 favorability and a deep contract with Host. Can received a basic function of the system by following the contract of given by the system including the host. Forming a powerful soul link once Host die the contractor will die in same time.]

Lucas looked at the crimson sun and know the 10 minutes has passed. Also, his little lover was waiting for him, but before he go. Lucas want to know his reward like the first update. He smiled and said "Opened reward."


[Opening reward 1%... 100%]


[• Skill book(s)

- Goddess kissed (passive) (max)

- Warriors pride (passive) (max)

- Fortune teller (passive/ active)

• Rainbow box(s)

- magic golem

- magic main satellite

• (3) special gifts

- star orb

- seed fortress

- king's core

- orb of the small world

- book of space formation

- Milktank's Magic Supply (unlimited)

• Magic pet

- Sarimanok]

Lucas laughed because his risked received him a good reward. He looked toward the land of Ham's direction and need know is mountain of minerals and some relics to covert and purchase his need for to secure the Survival. As, he looked at the magic pet reward his lip twitch because, he know this bird.

"So, the mythical bird from Philippines and believed to be the most beautiful bird, docile among the birds species and bird of luck during the old days." Lucas said and shake his head.

*Sigh~*I hope they're safe."