Camp Delta was fallen: Reinforcement (part 2)


The whole building was shaken and other people was caught unprepared from the remnants reckless fire. As, whole building became mess people groan from pain, children are crying and people screaming due to injury or someone's death.


"Anna are you alright?" Alice asked in worry.

"Yes! we're alright including the Amazon. I keep them save, but Alice who did you know there is danger staying at the wall?" Anna asked in curiosity. Since, earlier Alice acted strangely and brought her including the Amazon group in some place away from the wall.

"Instinct since my father is an ex mercenary and retired due to my mother. So, he teach me in the art of warfare, but keep it a secret especially to Lucas." Alice replied with a 'tehee♪ expression'.

Anna saw her action and knowing her hidden talent. She shake her head toward her companion. She said "Go! gathered the people and prepare for upcoming engage between the raiders group. Also, help the people and prevent them from dying. Move!"

Then, the Amazon group who are the former victim of the raiders group. salute at her and move carrying there tasked from there chief. Alice who witness Anna action and charisma as the leader. She was amazed and know she understood Lucas attitude toward both sisters. She shake her head felt lose and she carried her duty as a doctor. Helping others from there injuries and prevent from dying.

Meanwhile, at the other side of the building. Nicholas who has a goddess in his side is safe from the injuries except from suffering some temporary hearing-loss. He looked around and saw of them are able to survive. He shouted "Give me the current numbers and prepare for battle!"

Then, all of the soldier move and they prepared for battle. The sniper group find a good spot and other people prepare themselves while helping the injured people. As, they prepare themselves a new rpg was launch once again.


"F*ck! are they mad and planned us to bury together with the whole building." One of soldier said while cursing.

"Prepare yourself! fire!" Sir. Nicholas said.


As, they engage battle. The enemy prepare the m2 heavy machine gun pointing at them. When the soldier saw the m2 they become pale and shouted.

"F*ck! cover! behemoth is here."


When the m2 stopped firing Nicholas shouted "Report the situation!"

"Sir! 20% of our troop was killed and over 40% was injured request for further command!"

Nicholas who heard a grave news cursed. Because, he can't imagine James will use the weapon at the Camp Delta and purge them. Then, Nicholas command to continue the engage while taking the injured and dead soldier away from the battlefield.

Few minutes later, there situation become worsen. Since, they can't do something since the survivors. He grit his teeth and shouted "Retreat! take the injured and we will leave this place."

Before, they can retreat with the remaining people. One of the scout approach them and shouted "Sir. our exit was sealed."

"Sh*t!" Sir. Nicholas said because he know they're doom from the very beginning. Because, there is rat among the Survivors.


"Nicholas surrender yourself. We already surrounded your hideout and sealed the exit. Decide in a minute to surrender or buried together with the building." James Oliver shouted while laughing including his subordinates laughed and mocked them.

They're the remnants of the raiders group and people who seek there own benefits. Since, law didn't exist anymore most of them show there true colors. They shouted

"Surrender! Surrender! Surrender!"

"Drop your weapon! Drop your weapon! Drop your weapon!"

They keep chanting made the rest of the survivors become more distress.

During there chant the craziness in there eyes while looking at the soldiers hiding inside the building. Once, they capture them and take them as a hostage. They can use them to scare other people and they can enjoy the rest of the ladies. In, there delusion they didn't know a tour bus was running toward them in camouflage mode. When the camouflage was removed and they discovered the Juggernaut v.1 is there front and ram toward them before they can escape.

"Argh!!" "Help m---" "Puk!" "f*ck!"

*Bang!*Bang!Boom!* skkkkk----*

The tour bus hit the people in there surrounding and a mechanical arm appeared at it's taking the vehicles. Then, throw them toward other and a flamethrower spray from it's top making the tour bus.

The series of action of the tour bus made it like a weapon if destruction. Also, Sir. Nicholas and rest of the survivors saw those bizarre action. Made them think the tour bus is not a simple transportation of Lucas group, but a fucking transformer or a mobile fortress.

Then, the tour bus rotate in 360° degree forming a black circle. Which is impossible for an ordinary tour bus to do unless there is black technology inside the tour bus. When, the tour bus stopped it's rotation a sniper dome and railgun dome appeared in it's head and started to opened fire. Then, people die from the bullet or die from the railgun. As, the door opened the traitors group trembled in fear and saw the Jane, Cynthia and Mariam jumped from the Juggernaut v1. They felt odd from them like they are facing high level zombie and they step back. Also, some of them fire there weapon, but they dodge the bullets while Cynthia raise her hands. Then, the bullets was caught by the roots or vines moving like some tentacles.

"Sisters! As, the deal with Lucas. Who ever take down more enemies or showcase her Abilities has a right to own him in two nights. So, don't blame me for winning the bet." Jane said while looking at them. She smiled and looked at the enemies she whispered "Show time!"


Jane transform in her 2nd form revealing a cat in human skin. Then, she run and jumped toward it's enemies in her every slash of her claws people died. Some of them want to resist, but Jane is like a nightmare and can't be easily to be injured or killed.

Mariam saw Jane take action she clicked her tongue and pick a some piece of metal. Then, she used her ability and increase it's size then she smash them toward the enemies with her combat experience her ability become more fatal making her a walking warheads. Only destruction of enemies in her path and Cynthia take action as she laughed and wave her hands roots appeared in the ground and caught the enemies while burying them alive. Chaos spread in there enemies as they escape bullet pierced there head or once they surrender a wolf appeared from the shadow tearing there neck to there death.

James Oliver saw he was at disadvantage want to flee, but he was captured by the root and imprisoned him. Then, he a voice saying.

"Don't leave! stay and watch the fun, Sir. Oliver."