
Somewhere at Lucañia port bay.

The Survivors fleet stopped at the distance while observing the three way battle of the group of zombies. As, they observed they found the difference between the three groups. The first group, compose of modern zombies since they wear modern uniform, suits, etc. the 2nd group are wearing some old military uniform with a red flag white disc and a sign of swastika mark at there armband, and the last group are group of knights.

They're like a cosplayer, but they know all of them are zombies. Which made all them shivered in fear since they saw zombies from different era.

"Lucas do you think those zombies are getting closer? Also, I found those zombies are walking in our direction while they're brawling." Rein said while looking at the three way battle through the sniper scoop.

Lucas clicked his tongue. As, Rein told him they're clever while observing them from the distance. he said. "Jane! Tell the fleet to prepare for breakthrough."

Jane who heard Lucas word gave him a nod and she immediately contact them saying.

"This is Jane! prepare for breakthrough and the Juggernaut will create a pathway."


With the Jane's request the survivors fleet made a long line lead by the Juggernaut v.2 with a rearguard by the Martyr. Since, both of the vehicles are loaded by bullets and modified flamethrower especially the Martyr. As, they observed the zombies while preparing the breakthrough.

"Roll out!" Lucas shouted.


The Juggernaut v.2 moved and behind them is the rest of the fleet while releasing a mechanical arms from both side capturing unfortunate zombies. With the Red Queen (Replica) some zombies become specimen or they we're thrown toward the rest of the zombies. As, they attempting for a breakthrough chase them and some of them fire there weapon.



A flamethrower release burning the zombies and an explosion happened since the zombies carrying some explosive especially the zombies with old military uniform. As, the zombies roar in anger they chase them in madness and the zombies are throwing some Molotov to burn them, but there action we're failure due to Lucas putting a special runes using the Arcane Rune Mastery.

The rest of the survivors who witness everything felt complicated. They realize the danger ahead the road since the zombies becoming more terrifying and more stronger. As, they thinked those zombies moving toward the Delta Camp all of them trembled in fear and worry.


Few hours later, 4:12pm.

The marathon between the Survivors fleet and the rest of the three group zombies came to end. They we're able to take a long breath. As, they entered a subdivision property owned by his little lovers company.

When they entered all of them feel there soul was screaming to run away. Because, they discovered there is no sign of zombies nor Survivors around, but bloodstains spread around the road.

Lucas felt something is wrong he used the system map and release his observation haki found to malice in the surrounding and his little lover are safe.

"What the hell is going on? There is no trace of zombies rather there is trace of blood in the ground." Lucas said and looked at the ground frowning.

During his observation he decided to jumped and investigate the blood in the ground dried few days ago. As, he looked around Lucas detect a movement with his haki and looked at the certain direction and warn the rest to be vigilant. Then, he saw a mutant dog and it's was own by his little lover he give before toward her.

"Barney!!" Lucas shouted in joy and run toward the dog.

When the survivors heard Lucas shouting the dog's name. There face twitch and they looked at him in new light since they learned Lucas has no sense of naming for they remember a certain child tv series.

"Bark!Bark!Bark!" Barney replied at Lucas and run toward him. Since, he recognized the person at his front his owner who gift him toward his little lover and the little princess. As, he reduce it's size retuning to it's normal size. He licked Lucas face while hugging him and few minutes Barney dragged Lucas his little lovers home.

"Guys! Follow us everything is safe for now and please closed the gate kindly. Since, we don't want some visitors during our rest especially at night."


Few minutes later,

Lucas followed Barney and the Survivors fleet followed there trail. During there journey they found no zombies nor Survivors only blood in the ground. The survivors trembled in fear and some became restless. Because they felt there travel was like some horror movies, but in real life.

During the journey Lucas told them about the situation especially Mariam learned the CEO of Blaze corporation the only female business tycoon who control the biggest company at Francia was his little lover. Patricia Blaze a single mom since her daughter and son both artificially born from her womb. Which is the open secret both politics and business world. Also, according to rumors Patricia was always saved by the hell Butler everytime she in trouble.

"Where are here! Okay ladies and gentlemen prepare yourself and meet the real Patricia Blaze!!" Lucas shouted in pride. Once, the gate was opened all of them was awe for they saw machine moving and some prototype of Iron Man walking.

Chu who always visiting Patricia smiled lightly since she more closed at Patricia than the rest of his little lovers. She know her hobbies she liked big toys and fun of anime series especially Gundam. The rest of his little lovers can't recovered even they saw everything before, while the survivors who joined them. Where all dumbfounded and realized every rich people has a strange hobbies and Patricia Blaze was among them.


"Barney~ you are here... Hehe~! ------ Eh!! Papa?" The little girl said. Who was around 8-10 year old hugging her favorite dog gifted by her father and she looked at him smiling at her.

"I'm back Monica..." Lucas said while smiling.