
Night, 8:39pm.

Due to some children playing around. The whole camp faced a terrible situation due to the reason of hide and seek including some children who like to messed around. Since, they heard from some adult and Jairah the place was a safe zone. As, the parents heard the children confession some of the parents complain especially the parents of the three children who was the culprit of the whole incident.

They asked for the fairness and justice for there children including the people who seek benefits in gentlemen ways. Since, they feared the following event will follow, but Lucas ignore them for he know they're coward.


"F*ck off! coward... So, it's Jairah who did those things? Did she caused this incident? or did she played hide and seek with others?" Lucas asked in irritation. Because, he can't handled them for blaming someone and seek a benefits like a child throwing tantrum.

"Lucas! don't be unreasonable because we know Jairah is the cause of this event and due to lack of security of this group. So, we must elect a new leader of this fleet." The middle age person name Wale a previous mayor of Lucañia. Their group was saved by Lucas earlier during his journey.

"Wale raised his hand as a sign of his agreement including the rest of Wale's companion. They agreed for they trust Wale's judgement. When the ladies saw the series of drama they smirked while Alex and rest of the people shake there head in disappointment.

"Oh... Really? leave this place together with the people who agreed. Since, you're a good leader, but don't asked for guns rather we distribute some supplies with you guys." Lucas replied and shoo them. As, he returned to his room. When they saw his action they want to say something, but...

They stopped their actions and looked at Clark and his subordinates together with Barney. They trembled in fear seeing the glowing red eyes of zombies and mutant.

"Okay! Dhiana please lead them and distribute some supplies. Because, they will belong to another group." Mariam said with a silly smile for she can't imagine to blame her daughter for someone fault.

Few minutes later,

They trembled in fear and anger for learning Jairah was the daughter of the former president Mariam Cage. Some of them looked at Wale in anger and leave him behind. As, they accept their own shares and Wale who heard the whole truth grit his teeth and looked at the fleet. He whispered "Damn..."


In the middle of the night.


"They stole one of the vehicles!" One of the people shouted.

All of them are in rage for stealing someone's belongings. Because, they didn't appreciate someone effort and consideration given by Lucas toward them the group of leech. As, they prepared to open fire they heard someone at their back saying "Hold your fire!"

They looked back and saw Jane together with Rein. As, they looked at the distance with contempt. Jane explained "Let them leave because they want there own freedom without knowing the price of their own action. Also, Lucas know there petty movement and use them to reduce the zombies in the surrounding with there help."

When the soldier heard Jane's word. They shivered and sweat pour at their back and forehead. Looking at the distance and felt pity for they received an eire of the leader Lucas.


"Wale! do you think it's alright! I smell fishy about this."

"F*ck! are you coward Bill?" Wale replied in irritation. Since, he kept complaining his feeling during the escape.

""Bill! You Coward...""

As, the people laughed at Bill and looked at Wale in respect. Because, they believe Wale will lead them at the safe zone. Since, they learned from the Survivors fleet a safe zone was established at the nearest university lead by the group of soldiers and remaining government officials.

During their travel they keep encountering different zombies, but all of them are slain. As, their vehicles ram them. They laughed and enjoy there achievement while pointing at the zombies being killed at the surrounding.

"Look out~~~!!"


The tour bus crash at the giant zombie. As, they looked up and found a red glowing eyes revealing a creepy smile. They shout in fear and Wale decided to retreat, but a group of zombies running toward them in all directions.



As, the zombies explode and some of the survivors are injured and some died including children during the explosion. When they decided to run away the roof top was opened and saw the giant zombie smiling at them.


Next moment different kind of Zombies jumped at them and devouring every survivors. As, they cried in joy while the Survivors mourn in their death.

Meters away from the tour bus a wolf hiding between the darkness looking at them and next moment dive at the shadow. As, the zombie raise it's head looked at the distance where the shadow wolves appeared with a confused. As, the zombie sitting at the giant zombie shoulder.