
Emma :i thought king cable is really busy celebrity .. but i can see he is really not that busy all the time huh?? she smirk

cable : are you complaining ???

emma : not really .. i like this cable more then the cable i met for the first time , he was so rude and self centered .

"ouch ! that was rude . but i was rude to you at first because i have reasion . i behave rude to everyone , who meet me at the first . i don't want people whom i love leave me thats why i don't allow many people in my life so i behave like i'm a monster even after all that if still they choose to ive bescide finally i behave as my realself with them."

emma understood how lonely is cable , he is scared of everything .. but he is a rel gem if anyone kow about his trueself but every one think he's super moody and rude .

-----------------------------------------------NEXT DAY-------------------------------------------------

emma was working on her laptop .. when her phone buzzed .. and it was a text massage from cable ..


cable - (Hey annoying girl are you free wanna go clubbing with me ..?? ,

emma --( no i have lots of work , you go have fun , )

cable -(youre boring )

emma -(thank you )

texting end ----

emma again started working ---(30minutes later )

*doorbell rang*

"ah! it must be my foor that i ordered i was so bussing working that i didn't cook dinner , thanks to all these online food service i won't be working hungery anymore ."

emma happily went to open the door

"thankyou for ariving so early .."

??? : "how did you know i was coming here "

the voice was familiar .. as emma looked up and saw there was standing cable with smirk ,her eye widen and jaw dropped

" what the hell , what the hell are you doing here ??"

cable : " because youre so boring you didn't go with me for clubing so i had to come here."

he said that and enter inside to where emma was working , emma followed behind .

emma : " huh???*confused*

cable : huh youre room is cute . ( cable sat on her bed ) and its cozy too.

emma spotted cable on her bed and glared at him with mad exprission .

" what ??? why are you looking at me like this can't i come toyour house ??" cable spoke smilling .

" i didn't say tou can't come to my house but you know what time it is?? if someone know that ing cable come to my house at this hour i'm going to be the hot news for the news channle tommrow"

cable wasn't paying attantion to these word of emma was saying he was enjoying the comfort of her bed .

"and i thought you were going to club ? why you decided to come here suddenly?" emma come near to cable and poked his forhead ..

emma : are you even listening ??

cable suddenly pulled her near him and cable huged emma by her waist tightly , she felt his breath on her skin. emma was confused but feling happy too

" cable what happened ?"

--"i missed you " he spoke and chuckled little ...

" but we just met yesterday "

--"why didn't you come to meet me today *he pout * "

"cable its my leave today , .. how can i go to office today? you know right?

--"i know that's why i asked you to come with me for clubbing and still you said no.."

"actually i don't like clubbing cable sorry. " he answered awkwardly"

--"i didn't know . whdidn't you tell me this ??"

"you never asked me ??" cable brok the hug and looked at emma

--." right i don't know anything about you because i never ask only you ask and i answer."

cable thought for a secon and again hugged her waist happily " i got an idea from tommrow i'll ask question too and you will have to answer all that .. ok you are the journalist till now but from now i will your personal journalist from tommrow.."

" wait what ???"

--" yeah !!! from tommrow i'll ask you questions ok "

" but that will be too awkward you know ??"

--" i don't care as ong as i can be with you for ore and get to now you more ."

emma was blushing when her door bell rang again " i think food has appered let me get it , do you wanna have dinner with me "???

" do you have to ask " he smirk

"ah right but can you leave me i have to get ti"

--"do i really have to ??"

"yes cable why are you behaving like a kid today ..umm ???

" i can't help it annoying girl your vibe is like that i ran from whole world but i want to be near you all the time ."*cute talking*

emma heartbeat become more faster again the door bell rang again. " now leave me the delivery has arrived let me get it ."

cable finally let her go with a pout and emma ran toward the door with her purse. emma got the food and they shared the food though it was little less for two people but they managed anyhow. after eating food cable asked if he can stay the night with emma. but emma didn't want him to stay because neighbour or any other people can easily findout in sunlight that king cable is leaving from emma's home . and if it happen that will creat a unwanted chaos that she doesn't want right now. everything was going very smoothly.

" what if we can't meet again after today ..?? he asked with very serious tone .

emma frown at him " don't say all this little demon go to home we will meet tommrow for sure ,"

cable :but--

emma didn't listen to him and made him leave from there. after cable left emma was blushing . " why am i blushing aish this boy.. oh y god .. am i catching feeling for him ??no no no i can't

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In office

emma (in mind )

"why cable didn't called me yet he all always come befor lunch time .. "

" is he mad , i should say sorry for yesterday ??"

suddenly someone asked ..

employee :" aren't you interviewing mr king cable ???"

" yes why "

employee :" he had a car accident and he is in the hosptial now,, his condition is serious.."