Episode 14

good morning----

was now 4:45 am.

she slowly opened my eyes when she felt movement beside her, cable stirred in his sleep and hugged her closer to his body. his warmth was so calming that she couldn't believe if this was true or just a dream .

The girl's cheeks slightly flushed and she looked up to Cable's face with a smile.

After a minute of staring Cable's eyes opened, startling Emma enough for her to fall off the side of the bed to the floor.

"Oh- shit baby is you okay??" cable asked in worry as he hopped out of the bed and rushed over to the small kitten.

"Y-yes I'm okay. I am a little. sore though..." she admitted in a soft voice.

Cable couldn't help but smirk a little but he shook his dirty thoughts away.

"Come here baby. let us go take a sleep again I am sleepy." he said softly and pulled the small girl into his arms.

"no cable I wanted to go somewhere" Emma told him.

"hmm we will go in the morning "cable spoke hugging her tightly.

15 minutes later

Cable was very much sleepy today...why you may ask, all because certain idiotic annoying girl thought it would be a wonderful idea to wake him up from sleep in a very much ungodly hour just because she wanted to watch sunrise with him. The poor boy was woken up against his will from his sleep which he was trying to grasp on tightly since such peaceful sleep was granted to him only on very rare days. And he had all right to be grumpy and send curses at the stupid worst enemy at morning, the mighty sun.

"Smile cable...I know you're going to love it. You do not want to miss this. It's a special sunrise." Emma tried to cheer up the boy who currently had his cheeks puffed up with air.

'Annoying. Stupid. Cold hearted little monster. How could she do this to a poor soul like me. Wasn't my sleep important." Cable send her another glare. Emma chuckled and pulled him along in the forest to the highest peak on the mountains.

"Ugg. Emma...let me go...I want to sleeve..." Cable begged as he was being dragged.

"Please come with me Cable, for me...please. It won't be fun without you...It's special and if it's not done with someone special then what's the point." Emma pleaded throwing his last card. Damn and did Cable fell for it! How can the small boy say no when that 'For me' card was thrown at him? Sighing he nodded. Emma grinned and in a second, she shifted and signalled Cable to come with on her. In an hour both were standing on the top most peak waiting for the sun to show up.

"So tell me what's so special with this sun today that you without any mercy dragged me up from my lovely sleep." Cable asked glaring at her.

"Just wait. You will see. And then you'll realise it was worth it." Emma said eyes stuck at a distant. Cable rolled his eyes. Yes right. Like anything is worth to destroy his sleep.

And in minutes he could see light making its way through the darkness at a distance. Cable scowled. What is so special again? He saw Emma perked up at the smallest hint of light. Well, this better be worth it.

And just as the sun almost made its way into the sky, he saw it. His jaw dropped. His breath was completely taken away. And oh, would he dare to miss this?

Before him was the most magnificent and beautiful sight he had ever seen...Well if you exclude Emma that is. There was aurora like pattern formed on the still dark sky. Painting it in different colours like distorted rainbow. What amazed him more is how the sunlight reflected in the river below splattering it in every direction illuminating where it strikes brightly like a piece of crystal. And my dear its looked breath-taking towering up over the forest with the beautiful shades in the sky drenching it. He was rendered speechless.

Still facing the wondrous sight Emma moved closer to Cable and held his hand, entwining them. Both smiled at the warmth they felt. "Sá. Cable?" Cable 'hummed'. "Is this worth it?" she asked with a smile in her tone. Cable grinned "this moment right now.... worth everything." He said tightening his hold on Emma's hand.

Emma's face mirrored Cable's. Same brightness and content. she pulled her hand away from the tight hold of Cable, which confused the boy and he frowned. Cable did not want to let go of Emma's hand yet. But Emma shocked him by moving more closer to him leaving all personal space behind and breathed on his neck, causing Cable to freeze. Emma absolutely loved his smell...

. Emma brought her lips to his ears " you are right about...this moment right now...hammam..." He breathed into her ears ".... You are worth everything."

He saw the blush rising on her cheeks. Those full red lips of her which he was biting brutally. Damn it. He wanted to savour them. Claim them as his. The desire was building up in him

He brought his lips towards one of that rosy cheeks which was driving him mad and pressed a hard-wet kiss on it. A gasp could be heard from the her, who was by now shaking. Emma knew if he had not held her, she would have collapsed by now. she loved the effect he had on her.

cable pulled back and smile at Emma. she looked so adorable, all flushed. Her eyes were squeezed shut. Cable brought his one hand up and caressed his warm cheek. "Open your eyes baby..." Emma shook her head. "Please..." Emma sighed and slowly opened her eyes and peeked a look at, she immediately squeezing them shut again and dived into his chest.

Emma heard his laugh at her. she did not care. she simply could not look at her right now. If she did, she was sure she would melt. Cable 's chest was rumbling due to his laughter; she could feel it. "Emma...are you hiding?" cable asked as he nuzzled his face into the fluffy hair on other's head. Emma shook his head negatively. "Really?" Emma nodded and separated from the boy, instantly turning to face the glorious sky. she jumped as she felt two arms slipping around her waist to her stomach. Emma pulled him back into a back hug and rested his head on Cable's shoulder. Emma sighed into the warmth and held cable's hand which was on her stomach. Both smiled as their souls silently exchanged the unsaid words.

"can we spend our day as out as a date, "asked Emma.

cable "anything for you love." he answered kissing her forehead...