Episode 16

Next morning

cable woke up with Emma in his arms he smiles at her, caressing her soft cheek and pecking her nose which made her flinch a little at the sudden touch. cable smile at her cuteness. he strokes her hair before he properly covers her small body with the blanket. he pulls her closer to his warm embrace before he kissed her forehead. he got up and made his way towards bathroom. he freshens up and made breakfast for Emma who is still asleep. after a few minutes Emma walk downstairs Ans saw cable who is putting breakfast on the table. she smiles before she approaches him and hug him from back. "good morning breakfast?" cable asked

"woo so Mr king cable is making breakfast for me " beautiful site to see indeed. Emma spoke.

cable laughed at her " hmm so then I will just let you see this sight every day in morning " he spoke kissing her.

Emma "well I have to go office you know "

cable "yeah get ready I will drop you off "


In office lunch time

"so how is it going between you two " ask Alex

Emma rolled her eyes "why the hell are you here again, I don't like so much attention and you are attracting people" Emma said.

"you have to get used to it because you are the heartless king cable's girlfriend you know "

Alex spoke teasing her. " whatever, why are you here,"

Alex:" can't I hangout with you I am your friend."

Emma:" you know we can hang out after my work. "\

Alex: "and that's why I am here. "tonight, is party of cable new movie launch, and he want to bring you with him. "

Emma looked at him confused " but he didn't tell me anything."

Alex:" yam because he is too busy with today shoot, that's why I am here. finish your work fast we will go for shopping " he told excitedly"



Alex and Emma were in mall. Emma was sitting on couch and Alex was searching dress for her.

" take this one it red, it will look beautiful on you" Alex told him. Emma rolled her eyes "what the hell Alex it 10th dress you are giving me."

Alex:"just keep your mouth shut and sit silently. "

the staff was looking at them:" maim you have really caring boyfriend."



both shouted at the staff.

"I so sorry maim and sir I thought you both were in relationship"

Alex:"if she would be my girlfriend, I would have put poison in her coffee"

Alex smirked at her "

Emma scoffed " and if you were my boyfriend, I'll drink it " she winked at him.

Alex laughed at her " just go in and change or your boyfriend will come here to take you himself "

Emma went inside to try on the dresses.


It has been almost two hours since we were in this mall and in this meantime, I tied almost 8 dresses. I walked out of the trial room wearing a knee length to navy blue dress having spaghetti straps. it was a little too tight and I was not much comfortable wearing it. I walked out of the trial room to see Alex sitting on the couch, busy on his phone. I cleared my throat to gain attention from him as he looked at me and u and down, he gulped and smirk. "you look hot Emma " he commented,

"just shut up, it not too comfortable dote. I spoke "

"too he will melt after seeing you. you can thank me later " he winked.

Emma rolled her eyes.

I changed into my normal dress. I came out and went to the cashier and he paid for my dress. " Alex stop it I will pay for my own cloths " I spoke

"don't think too much I am not paying, it's your boyfriend's card, he told me to buy that for "


We went to a small cafe in the mall and I ordered a cup of coffee to ease me up. Alex went to the washroom and I was seated alone at the table, sipping my coffee enjoying its flavour and aroma.

"Hey, beautiful. Are you alone?" I turned my attention to a young man who had seated in front of me. He had blonde hairs and hazel eyes, a smirk plastered on his face.

Not with this crap...

"I don't have time for your shits...so buzz off," I said ignoring his stare and sipping my coffee.

"So, Feisty? I like it... So, what's your name beautiful." He said with a chuckle and getting a little closer. Grabbing the shopping bags, I stood up and walked towards the exit to avoid any scene. I turned around to see the same stranger following me.

Seriously... What is his problem?

"Hey, beautiful, at least give me your number," he said with a chuckle and there I had enough. I spun around and death glared in his eyes.

"Can't you understand a simple word, you asshole. I said to buzz off or you will be sorry!" I yelled at him.

"Huh... I will be sorry?" He chuckled coming closer. He took me by my waist, holding me closer looking into my eyes and Now I had enough. I kicked him I where the sun does not shine and he groaned in pain releasing me.

"Suits you right," I smirked at him.

"You f**caking whore..." He groaned in pain.

I smirked and turned around giving him my last disgusted glare. Walked away from there as soon I did, someone pinned me in the wall. I looked up to see the same stranger whom I have kicked.

"LET ME GO!!" I yelled at him trying my best to free myself from his grip.

"You're going to pay for what you did," he smirked getting closer.

I aimed for the same spot where I had kicked before.

"Aah... Not this time beautiful."

"Let me go... You son of a b**Ch." I spat on his face which made him more furious.

"Shut the f**ck up. You're coming with me."

Where the heck was Alex?

"Let her go." I turned my head to see Alex. His fist clenched and jaw tightened.

"Mind your own business Man."


I was mid-sentence when Alex punched him in the face causing him to fall on the floor. Edan took my hand and we went towards the exit of the mall. As we entered his car, he started the engine. His hands gripping the stirring wheel tightly.

"Aah... Alex?" I whispered seeing him this way. It was the first time I had seen him this furious.

"Aah... By the way. Thank You." I whispered.

He nodded and the rest of the drive went silently as we both did not utter a single word. I was getting annoyed by this silence now but still, I remained silent. As we stopped in front of cables house, I decided to break the silence.

"Alex? Are you okay?" I whispered looking in his direction.

He nodded, "well see you at the party tonight "he smiled before leaving.

I went inside the house with all the shopping bags in hand.

"welcome home beautiful" I heard cable's voice and next thing I know I am in air. cable picked me up in his arms, "w-what ???"

"I missed you "he said kissing my cheeks.

I kissed his nose "me too"

"How was your day "he asked me placing me down I his lap.

"it was really fun shopping with Alex. "I spoke.

"well we have to go in the party get dressed "he spoke, I nodded at him and left.