Chapter 22

2 weeks later

Emma was not getting any courage to face him in this two week she was in contact with Alex, he was motivating her to talk to him.

after so many days she decided to finally make a move and talk to him.

Cable park his car in his garage and tiredly walk towards his front door.

He grab the key in his pocket and starting to unlock his door when he heard a voice from behind.

" Cable... "

He instantly froze when he heard her voice from behind him. He took a deep breath and face her and ready to push her away when he stops.

His heart instantly beats faster the moment he laid his eyes on her. She still looks the same.

The woman he fell in love with. The woman who he loved so much.

The woman who broke him into pieces when she left him.

His love for her was replaced by anger.

" What are you doing here again? "

He asked coldly as Emma bit her bottom lip trying to control herself from getting teary by his cold tone.

She is not used by that kind of tone of his. Cable on the other hand, gulp hard and mentally cursed himself when Emma bit her bottom lip.

He wanted to kiss those lips and own it. It is tempting him to taste her lips. But he has to control himself.

" I said why are you here again? "

He asked coldly as he look at her coldly.

" C-Can we talk? "

She asked softly as Cable chuckled sarcastically." Talk? Wow. you really have the nerve to ask me that. "

He said sarcastically and smile bitterly." Please. let us talk. "

" Why would I do that? You really have a thick face huh? You are asking me to talk to you when you did not give me a chance to talk to you when you left me without a word. "

His voice was filled in anger as his eyes darken.

" You have no right to talk to me or to get near me. "

" But-- "

" Stay out of my life, Emma. I do not want to see you anymore. We are done. In fact, we are done a long time ago. "

He leans closer to her and held her chin and stare into her eyes coldly.

" You and I are done. "

He said firmly and lean back. He glare at her for the last time before he went inside and close the door.

Emma just stare at his door with tears flowing down her eyes.

She couldn't blame him anyway if he's acting that way.

It's all her fault. She must accept the consequences of her action.

She wipe her tears and took a deep breath before she turns around and started to walk away.

Without her realizing it. Cable was looking at her from his window. He makes sure that Emma leave his house before he will take a sleep.

She's been following him the day when she arrived back.It is irritating him. He wanted to be away from her because he wanted to forget her but Emma is really hard headed.

She never listen to him even though he told her that he doesn't want to see her.

He knew Emma wanted to come back to him and he wanted that too but he is still scared that Emma might left him again.

He's afraid that he will get broke again.

Cable had a shoot that day. He was busy all day with works. He even had a call from his best friend Alex asking if he is okay. If he's taking care of himself.

This weekend Cable is planning to have a vacation in his hometown and be alone with his dog and of course to avoid Emma.

Well, speaking of Emma she is standing outside his building and walk inside.

She won't stop until he'll forgive her.

She waited for years just to see him and be with him again.

Now she's back. She will not miss the chance to be with him.

No matter how much he pushed her away. She will always come to him and beg for forgiveness.

All the people had their eyes on Emma. The way they look at her showed how much they are attracted by her beauty and fashion.

She ignore them and went on the top floor. She is not here to hear compliments from the people.She's here for one particular person.

Upon arriving at the top floor she saw his secretary busy with her works and her desk is full of papers and folder.

" Excuse me. Is Cable here? "

The lady lifts her head up and look at her." Yes, Ma'am. He is inside doing some works. Do you have an appointment? "

She shook her head.

" No, but I am here because we have a personal matter to discuss. "

She said politely and smile.

" I am sorry, Ma'am. I cannot let you go inside. Mr king told me that I should not let anyone enter his office unless if you have an appointment. Sorry I cannot let you go inside. "

The lady said in an apologetic look as Emma smile." No, that is okay. I can just wait here. "

She said and went towards the chair at the corner and sit there. The secretary was looking at her in weird.

" What? "

" Humm. are you sure you will wait for him, Ma'am? "

" Yes, why not? "

" But he has a lot of work to do plus it will take you an hours before he is done with his work. "

The lady said calmly and Emma just sigh and nodded.

" That's okay. I can wait till evening. I have nothing to do anyway. "

She said with a smile as the lady just nodded.

" Okay ma'am. But if you need anything just tell me. "

Emma just nodded and the lady turn her attention to the computer and continue on working.

She is patiently waiting for Cable until she didn't realize that it's already evening.

She even fell asleep while waiting for him to come out.

Emma groan when someone is poking her cheeks.She slowly open her eyes and she saw Cable's secretary poking her cheeks.

" I'm sorry for waking you up, Ma'am. But it is almost 11 p.m. and.... "

She look at her back and then return her attention to Emma.

" .... Mr. King is already here. He orders me to wake you up. "

Emma widen her eyes and immediately sit up and fix herself and then she saw Cable standing Infront of her with his hands in his pocket while his face is emotionless." Cable. "

Cable sigh before he faces his secretary." Go home. I will take care of this. "

The woman nodded and bow to her and to Cable before she grabs her handbag and left.

Emma stood up and face Cable.

" cable. "

" Look at you. You look pathetic. "

She was taken aback at his words.

" Is this what you want? You look idiot here. You were sleeping at the chair without caring about your surroundings. Do you even feel embarrassed? "

He said coldly making her heart shattered into pieces. She patiently waited for him till he's done and this is what she gets in return?

" I don't care if I look idiot or pathetic. I do not care what they will tell me. They can judge me; I do not care. I am not here for them. I am here for you. "

Cable sigh in irritation and massage his temple before he glares at her.

" You will never stop huh? Look, you are just wasting your time. Like I said. We are done. Let us move on, Emma and forget each other. "

She immediately shook her head with teary eyes.

" No... I will not allow it. I waited for this all my life and now that I am here, I will not let go of this chance to be with you again. "

Her tears flow down as she stare at Cable. But he just stood there with no emotion in his face.

" I know you are mad at me. I know you hate me but please... give me a chance to be with you again. Let us be together again, Cable. "

She slowly walks closer to him and stop when she's so close to him.

" Let us start over. Please.... let me love you again. I still love you. I always love you, Cable. "

Cable stare at her for a couple of seconds before he smiles bitterly.

" If you love me then why did you left me? "

She blinks a couple of times and gulp.

" I did that for a reason. I blame myself for my mother's death. I did not get the chance to tell it to you because I was scared. All I could think of was to be with my mom and make sure that I am there for her. "

" No... you only think of yourself, Emma. You do realize that you were selfish? If you thought about your mother then you would choose her over me. But you did not you chose me over her because you wanted to be happy without caring about your mother. "

Emma went silent. Cable is right. She is selfish. If she did not have a relationship with Cable at the first place then none of this would had happen. Then maybe her mother is still alive.

" Cat got your tongue? "

He asked coldly and smirk.

" You went speechless so that means I am right. "

" Cable. "

" Leave me alone. If you continue coming closer to me, I will only hurt you. Keep that in mind, Emma. "

He said coldly and left her there in pain.