Chapter 24

He lied to Emma.

He never cheated behind her back.Cable said those words because he wants a revenge and of course, to make her feel the pain he wanted her to feel.Now that he succeeded why does he doesn't feel happy or satisfied that he finally hurt her feelings?In fact, he felt the opposite. His heart is aching when he saw the pain in her eyes.Cable closes his eyes tight.Forget her... forget her. She deserves this.


Emma woke up the next day with a puffy eyes. Last night, she had been crying till she passed out. Alexander dropped her to her house last night after she explain him what happened. He was angry but Emma stops him from going to cable.

It was painful for her. Maybe she made the right choice to left him before.

But there's something deep inside her heart says to give him a chance.

She just need time to let out the pain in her heart and then she'll come back to him.

She maybe sound stupid but she's willing to forget his mistake and be with him again.

That's how much she loves him.

Like they say, people become fools when they are in love.

They can call her idiot and stupid for giving him a chance but she doesn't care. She wants to follow what her heart wants.

Emma took a deep breath before she looks at herself in the mirror.

" Argh... I look so ugly. How can I come to him when I look like this? "

She complains and went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Cable parked his car in his garage and walk towards his house.

He walk inside and eat his dinner before he went to his makeup room for getting ready for shoot .He needs to keep himself busy or else he'll end up thinking of her.

It's been one week since he didn't saw her. Maybe she finally gives up to him. Maybe she already left him for good.

His heart aches just thinking of what happened yesterday but seeing her in other man's arm , he was really angry , was it because of that man she left him , who was he .?? he has so many unanswered question .

he wants her to leave him alone forever. But he could not deny the fact that he wanted to see her again.

Cable shook his head and focus on his work.

He needs to focus or else he will go insane again. Few hours later Cable came back from shoot when it was late.

He heard a knock on his doorCable frown in confusion and look at his wristwatch.It is 11 p.m. Who could it be?

He thought to himself and stood up and walk towards the door. He opens it and froze in his track when he saw her again.

He thought he will never see her again. He thought she already gave up and left him.But here she is standing outside his house with her sweetest smile like he did nothing wrong.

" What are you doing here? "

He asked coldly.

" Pizza? "

She asked and lift her arm to show him the pizza she's holding. Cable look at her in disbelief.

" Really? You came here just to give me pizza at this hour? "Emma just shrugged and smile.

" Why not? Is it a bad thing? "

He frowns as his eyes darken.

" It is! It is already 11 p.m. and you came out of your house just to give me pizza? "

He said angrily.

" What are you thinking, Emma? Are you stupid? What if something happens to you outside?! "He continues on scolding her making her smile.Aww he still cares for me.She thought and just nodded her head while listening to Cable's words.

" .... will you please stop coming to my house at this hour? You could have just come earlier. You know how dangerous it is for you to come here this late! If something bad happens to you I will never forgive myself. "

He continue on scolding her angrily while she just stood there with a small smile.Few seconds later, Cable stop talking when he found himself looking stupid and when he realized that he overreacted to her again.

Just like before, he would always scold Emma for coming to his house this late and now he's doing it again like they are still in a relationship.

Cable got silent and blink a couple of times.

" Don't mind what I had said. Go home, Emma. "

He said coldly but Emma shook her head.

" No. I came here because I miss you. I wanted to be with you. Please? Just for tonight. "

Cable stare at her in disbelief." Why are you doing this? you already have a boyfriend go to him"

what are you talking about?" Emma asked confused "this angered him more

Are you out of your mind, Emma? You look like a fool. Go home. I do not want to see you anymore. Leave my house now. you have a man with you and still you are following me how disgusting."

"I don't have a boyfriend " Emma spoke.

"shut up I don't want to know get out "

He said coldly and closes the door Infront of her without waiting for her reply.

Cable could not even move his feet. He just stood there. Few minutes later, Emma didn't leave.

Cable sigh in irritation and open the door and was ready to scold her when she hug him tight making him froze.

" Emma what are you-- "

" Please... "

He stop when he heard her voice cracked and he also felt his shirt getting wet because of her tears.

She's crying again because of him.

God damn it!

" Please Cable... Just for tonight. Please stop treating me like this... stop hurting me, please? I could not take it anymore... my heart might give up any time because of too much pain. "

Emma said in a low voice while sobbing in his embrace. Cable blink a couple of times when he found himself getting emotional too.He control himself and tried to push her away but she did not move. She hugs him tighter.

" Let me go, Emma. "

His voice is firm and cold. He needs to push her away or else he couldn't control himself anymore and hug her back.

" Please, forgive me. I regret what I did. I should not had left you... Please... comeback to me, cable. Let us be together again. please. "

She said in between her tears. Cable took a deep breath and force her to let go of him and stare at her.

Emma stood there and stare into his eyes while tears flowing down her eyes.

" Can't you understand it? I will never come back to you, Emma. Stop trying to come back to me because it will only cause you more pain. I do not love you anymore. "

He said coldly and she just burst into tears. Cable look away and closes his eyes tight to control his tears to not flow down.

" Go home, Emma. Let us stop seeing each other. It will only cause us more pain. Especially to you. "

Few seconds later. Emma stop crying and stare into his eyes.

" O-Okay... I-I will leave you forever. I will not come back to you anymore. "

She said softly making his heart shattered in pain. He will not see her anymore. This is what he wants but his heart is aching at the thought that Emma will leave him forever.

" B-But. I have one last request. "

She said and wipe her tears.

" What is it? "

He asked coldly and was waiting for her reply but instead. Emma lean closer to him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kiss his lips making him froze.

He just stood there with no reaction while she kissed him passionately. Cable hands clenched into fist while trying to control himself to not kissed her back.He missed kissing her lips. He missed being intimate with her.

Few minutes later. Emma stop kissing him and catch her breath. She stares into his eyes and she saw something else in his eyes.

Lust and desire.She smile softly and caressing his lips softly because she leans closer and kissed him again.

This time Cable could not control himself anymore. He wrapped his arms around her small waist and pull her closer to him and kiss her back.