Episode 26

Emma woke up the next day as she felt herself in Cable's warm embrace.

She slowly open her eyes and smile when she saw his handsome face.

She loves to wake up in the morning like this. Seeing his face made her day complete and happy.

She wish that he could just forget everything and start over again with her.

If only she have the power to erase the pain they both have then she will.

Emma slowly put her arms on his cheeks and caressing it softly. She smiles and lean closer to his face and peck his lips.

The one who got touched finally woke up and blink rapidly. He then looks at Emma and she smile to him and hug him tight.

" Good Morning. "

She said softly while hugging him. Cable didn't reply back instead he slowly removed her arms around his waist and stood up making her confuse.

Cable grab his boxer and wear it as Emma sit up on the bed and wrapped the blanket around her body as she stare at Cable who's busy picking up the clothes in the floor.

She blink a couple of times before she smile sweetly at him.

" cable, do you want me to cook breakfast for us? I will cook your favourite of-- "

" I can do it myself. "

He cut her off coldly making her heart aches.Emma just shrugged it off and she was planning to insist him when Cable suddenly threw her clothes at her making her shock at what he did.

" Put your clothes on and get out. "

He said coldly making tears formed in her eyes." C-Cable, are you serious? "

Cable stop and face her with his poker face.

" Since when did I said that I was not serious? Are you an idiot? Put your clothes on and get out. "

He said coldly making her mouth hang open in shock. She was trying to process everything when she heard his angry voice again.

" Are you a deaf? I said put your clothes on and get out. I have a lot of things to do today. "

He said in irritation and went to the bathroom to take a shower while she just sat there in dumbfounded.Her heart is beating so fast in pain. So this is what she get in return?

Expectation can really kill you sometimes.

With a teary eyes, Emma slowly put her clothes on and she didn't left his room and waited for him to come out.

When she was fully on clothes now, she just sat on the bed and waited for him to come out.

Few minutes later Cable came out with only a bathrobe on.When he saw her. Cable just sigh and look at her coldly.

" What are you still doing here? Get out. "

He said to her like she is some kind of a toy that he just wanted to threw away.

Emma stood up and face him.

" Why are you still like this, Cable?? I-I thought after what we had done last night. W-We'll be-- "

" You thought we will be okay after what he had shared last night? "

He asked and raised his eyebrow. Emma didn't reply making him laugh sarcastically.

" Oh, Emma... I thought you were just shameless. But it turns out... you are a delusional too. "

Cable said sarcastically and smirk evilly while walking closer to her.

" Don't expect too much, sweetheart. What we did last night was nothing to me. It was just a plain sex. Do not take it too seriously. "

Cable scoffed before he continues making her tears flow down in her eyes.

" Don't feel special just because I had sex with you last night. I had sex with you because I had to fulfil my needs as a man. Since there was no other woman last night who would pleasure me. I had no choice but to f*caked you instead. And besides, you are not the only woman who I laid with. "

Her tears continue to flow down as her heart shattered into pieces.

" I laid different women every night, Emma. And for me, they are just like a toy. I played and used them and when I am done, I threw them like a worthless toy. "

He smirks as he put his hand on her cheeks and caressing it.

" Don't feel special because you are one of them. You are part of those women who I laid with and throw the next day. You are no difference to them. I just used you and I just wanted closure. and beside that I totally forget you had a boyfriend with you, the man you met yesterday. is it that the man you left me for." cable smirk.

Emma gasped and she had enough? Without a second thought, she slap him hard.

She could feel the pain in her palm but her heart is more painful at the moment.She blinks a couple of times while tears are continuously flowing down her eyes.

" Y-You are too much... I-I know y-you are m-mad at me b-but to hurt me l-like this is too much. the man you are talking about is my friend who help me escape my father, he is 100 % better then you."

She said in between her tears. Cable just look at her coldly.

" I know I-I did a mistake. Y-yes, I hurt you w-when I left. b-but you did not know that I was hurt too. I-I was suffering too, Cable! You were not the only one who suffered all these years! "

She raises her voice while tears flowing down her eyes. Emma closes her eyes tight and prepare herself to tell him the truth.

The truth where she never planned to tell him.

She open her eyes and stare at him with pain in her eyes.

" That day I left , my dad call informing me off my mom's death , we send flight ticket ,you were not at home I was heartbroken and I wanted to tell you but my dad send some of his men too I had to go with them . I-I suffered too, Cable. After m-my mom's death. I was ready to come back to you b-but dad blocked my way. H-He said that if I will come back to you, he will disown me. and he will kill you. B-But I did not care because all I-I could think of was you. I-I wanted to be with you. "

She said in between her tears as her eyes is starting to get blurry because of her tears.

" I chose you over my dad. I-I thought he would let me go b-but he forced me to come back inside our house. H-He locked me up and did not let me leave my room. "

Emma burst into tears as she remembers the time when she was locked in her room. It was a torture for her.

" When I-I get the chance to escaped. I thought I was free but h-he got me and he chained me so I would not be able to escaped again. that m-moment I knew I had no chance to escaped. I-I wanted kill myself b-but I thought about you... I c-could not leave you because I promise myself that I will come back to you. So, I fought all those challenges. I fought all those pain and suffering just to be with you again... "

She continue on crying while Cable just stood there with no emotion on his face and it made her heart aches even more.Cable's expression shows that he doesn't care what happened to her.

" I-If you wanted to be with me then you could have just w-went there and m-maybe... maybe you could had s-saved me from that hell! B-but you did not! The time when I was suffering and fighting for my life, you were just here and f*caking different women! "

She screams in anger and started to hit his chest but Cable didn't even move a little. He just stood there and let her hit him.

" You didn't do anything! You are the one who is selfish! Not me!! "

Cable grip her arms to stop her from hitting him but Emma push his arms away from her and glare at him.

" Y-You only caused me more pain... y-your words, your action and your cold treatment to me made more pain in my heart! I-I could not take it anymore. "

Emma choked in her tears before she continues.

" I give up... I give up, Cable. I Don't want to suffer in pain again. this pain I am feeling right now is too much! I could not take it anymore if you will hurt me again. "

She said in between her tears. Emma was crying her heart out and seconds later she wipes her tears and look into his eyes.

" I can see that you really don't want me anymore... I need to stop this. I must accept it that you will never love me again. "

She wipes her tears and gulp.

" I am sorry for e-everything. Cable. You will not see me again... I am sorry. Please, have a good life. "

She said one last time with tears flowing down her eyes. Then she walks towards the door and left him there.