part 28

Emma has been avoiding everyone for the past months. Even alexender she didn't talk to him at all .

She felt guilty for making him . But she doesn't want to be a burden to him.

So she avoided everyone but Emma decided that she will meet up with the alex and Maggie for the last time before she will leave .

After their dinner. Emma notice how Maggie stare at her. She knew that Maggie had a lot of question in her mind and she is also close to Maggie.

Emma avoided her gaze and pretended that she was listening to alex the whole time.

After their dinner, Emma went to the guest and ready herself to sleep when she felt thirsty.She got up and walk downstairs. She then heard a footsteps walking downstairs. Then she saw Maggie walk inside the kitchen as she followed her behind.

" Maggie? "

Maggie gasp as she got shock at the sudden voice.

" Oh my god! Emma! You scared me. "

She said and put her hand on her chest. Emma bit her bottom lip and apologize to her.

" Sorry.. I was about to get something to drink then I saw you walking down the stairs. "

Maggie just nodded and Emma went to get some water on the fridge.As she was busy pouring a water on her glass she notice that Maggie was staring at her.

She knew that she wanted to ask her something but she could tell the she is hesitating.

" Uhm... It's been 4 weeks since we last saw you. "

Maggie started to talk and Emma look at her and smile.

" Yeah... Sorry I was busy. "

Maggie just nodded as she drink her water.

" What were you doing these past few weeks? "

Maggie asked with hesitation. Emma knew that's not her real question. But she still answer her calmly.

" Well, I was busy with work and I was too focus on my business. "

She lied. Of course she was busy; busy sleeping amd eating different foods all day and thinking on how to leave the country without anyone knowing it.

Maggie just nodded and bit her bottom lip. Emma knew that y/m wanted to ask something else but is hesitating.

Emma sigh as Maggie took a deep breath and stare at her again.

Before Maggie could ask she already speak.

" If you want to ask me something else, then feel free to ask. "

She saw Maggie froze as she drink her water again. She knew she cut her off guard.

" W-What?? "

Emma sigh and glance at her.

" I know you are all worried about me. I'm sorry for making you all worried. But as you can see, I'm already old enough to take care of myself. And I know what I'm doing. "

Emma said straightforward without thinking straight making Maggie taken aback at her words.

" Emma, we are just worried that's why we are trying to figure out what's going on to you. "

Emma sigh and look at her straight in the eyes. She's starting to get irritated with no reason.

" With all due respect, Maggie . Don't involve yourself on my personal . Like I said I can take care of myself, Okay? I don't need your help or anyone's help. Don't interfere on my personal life. Stay out of it. "

Emma said in irritation as Maggie got shock at the way she delivered her words.She immediately regretted her action. This is what the doctor told her. It's part of her pregnancy that she will get mad easily even at the small things.

Emma took a deep breath and closes her eyes tight like as she felt guilty for what she had done. She open her eyes and look away in guilt.She couldn't even look straight into her eyes as she felt sorry for saying those words to her.

" Sorry. I didn't mean to say it in a rude way. It's just my hormones, I guess. "

Emma said in a low voice as she felt guilty for saying it to her in a harsh way.

She should have just be careful to not to offend someone. Especially if it's one of her family members.

This pregnancy thing is really making her mad easily. But what can she do? It's part of her pregnancy and she have to get used to it.

Maybe from now on I should stop talking to people.

She thought but her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Maggie's voice.

" Hormones? "

She asked; making sure if she heard it right. Emma froze and blink a couple of times.Did I said that to her? Oh my god..

Emma thought as she realized what she had said. She need to find an excuse. She then look at Maggie with hesitation." D-Don't mind me. Just please... Don't interfere on my personal life. "

She said straightforward and quickly left her there. She knew that Maggie was confuse and she wanted to ask more but she couldn't take it anymore.

She needs to get away from her in order to avoid further question and plus, she doesn't want to say something rude her again.


The next day. Emma decided to visit Maggie to apologize and she wanted someone to talk to.

She still felt guilty after what happened last night. She hope that Maggie will still be friends with her eventhough she said those words to her.

Emma stood in front of their door as she knock a couple of times. Few seconds later it showing Maggie who look shock to see her while carrying her son in her arms.

Emma smile at her then to little boy who is blinking innocently at her.

" . Did I came at a wrong time? "

Maggie shook her head; still shock at her presence." No.. come inside. "

She nodded and went inside. Then she went towards the living room as she sat there and waited for Maggie.

Emma saw Maggie walking closer to her. Maggie went towards the crib and put little boy down and she went to sit beside Emma.

" I was shock to see you here out of nowhere. Are you here for alex? He's not here, he went to his company to finish some works. "

Emma look at her.

" No, I came here for you. I just wanted to apologize for what I had said last night. "

She said softly while looking at her in an apologetic look." It's okay-- "

" No it's not. "

She cut her off. She took a deep breath before she continue.

" I mean, you were just worried and you tried to find out what's wrong with me and I know you are just concerned but I took it in a wrong way. I got suddenly mad at you. I'm sorry for that. "

Emma said in an apologetic look. Then she slowly look at her in the eyes.

" I hope we can still be friends. "

Emma said softly while she couldn't hide the sadness in her eyes. She felt lonely this past few months and she needs someone to talk to.

" Of course, Emma. We can still be friends. "

Maggie said with a smile and she smile back. That's a relief for her. And now, Emma is planning to talk to her more.

" Thank you. "

She said with a smile as Maggie just nodded. Then Emma notice how Maggie stare at her and to her body.

She sigh.

Looks like she notice it already..

She thought and she saw Maggie was about to open her mouth but she stop. Looks like Maggie is hesitating." It's okay, you can ask anything you want. "

She said in a low voice. Maggie stare into her eyes and Emma could still see the hesitation in her eyes. So she gave her a small smile to assure her that it's okay.

" You can ask me anything. I wouldn't mind. I will answer it honestly. "

She said calmly and ready herself to answer whatever her question is.Maggie blink a couple of times before she took a deep breath.

" uhm... Emma. No offense but did you gain some weight? "

Maggie asked carefully; trying not to offense her.I knew it.. she really notice it.

She thought. Well, she couldn't deny the fact that her stomach is getting bigger now but Maggie got the wrong idea.

Emma sigh and shook her head.

" No, I didn't gain weight, Maggie . "

She said calmly. Maggie got confuse then she just smile sadly and held her stomach while staring into her eyes.

" I'm pregnant. "