Part 38

Cable make s Emma sit on his lap " please don't be angry on me my dear I am going to tell you everything now . " cable spoke to Emma sitting in his lap as he stroke her hair .


The Maids dropped the plates they all got shocked at the loud and angry voice.

Everyone look at the owner of the voice and was stunned to see him standing at the door.

He is looking at them in anger while clenching his fist tight.

" What are you doing here, Mr king cable ?! " the voice of

Her father shouted angrily while glaring at cable .cable 's gaze turn to her father and he glare at him while clenching his jaw in anger.

" You! I will kill you!! "

Cable shouted angrily before he charged towards her father and he punch him which made him drop on the floor.

When Cable was not contended. He got on top of him and punch him continuously while her father's face is starting to bleed but cable didn't care at all.

He continuously punching him with no mercy and it shows how angry he is.

" Get him! "

One of the guards said and they charged towards cable and ready to attack him but Cable manage to fight them.

He punch them and kick them. He is so angry at the moment and he didn't care if he could kill someone.

He just needs to release his anger.

When the 4 guards drop on the floor cable went back to her father who is still laying on the floor.

His eyes darken as he grab a chair and ready to hit him.

" cable.. Don't. "

Mr Watsons (Emma's father) said in a tired tone while tears is flowing down her eyes.

Cable immediately stop It is obvious that he is in pain and tired. His face soften as he drop the chair "where is she ??"

Cable glare at the each and every men the two men who is looking at him in fear.

" Get out or else you will feel how hard I punch. "

He said in a firm voice which made their eyes widen and they immediately run away.

" You will regret this if you won't tell me where is she "

Cable stop when he heard Jennie's father. He didn't turn around and he keeps his back on him before he answered." I will tell you everything son . " her father spoke in soft voice .

"don't play trick with and act nice and all tell me "

He said in a cold tone before he started to walking out of the room searching for her.

After a few second he stopped as he heard Mr Watson voice .

"she is getting married tomorrow" and listening this his heart sank , no it can't happen , he love her he won't let her go . he stormed in front of her father holding his collar ."it can't happen where the f*ck is she tell me !!" he shouted .

"she is not here and you can't meet her now, listen to me carefully cable let me explain ,I want you to know the whole truth , and save Emma . "

Cable hesitated but he don't have any choice but to listen .

Mr Watson sat on his office chair and looked at cable "do you love her ??" he asked him his face become cold and strict.

"YES " cable answered directly without asking any question staring directly in mr watson's eyes."

"good " was the answer of Mr Watson with little smile . "listen son I was never the villain of you love story , I accept that I refused emma to go to you at first when she informed me that she loves you and I was also the one who forced her to stay in the house but seeing her condition I accepted you , I accepted that I was disappointed with her at first but seeing her love toward you I accepted your relationship—"he was cut off by cable "don't lie to me " cable soke coldly "you never accepted . "DON'T CUT IN BETWEEN LISTEN WHOLE STORY FIRST HAVE PATIONS " Mr Watson shouted . "so I was telling 2 years ago Emma's mother died I was really mad at emma cause ,the last thing we talked was an argument , her mother wanted to visit Emma even thought I stopped her she argued and went out furiously , and an hour after that I got a call from hospital that she has an accident , I left everything in hurry and went to her but I was too late , to even meet her before she died , doctors informed me that she losses too much blood when she came there , I was disappointed at myself I couldn't take care of her , I was guilty of that argument , I can't even be next to her in her last time , I crazy mistake I did and that moment I lost my mind again after I got news from my mens that my daughter is seeing someone , I couldn't control my anger and ordered my men to bring her over here , I accused her of her mother death cause the argument we had was because of her . next day was her mother's funeral and that time my friend from long ago came we got in touch I did not took care of emma that time and locked her up . she pleaded me to send her back but I forced her to stay . sometime my friend Mr Xavier he informed me abiut his some alexander , and he wanted to marry him to my daughter , I personally know him and he was a good kid so I agreed . I send him Emma's picture and he too agreed to marry her . I told him emma need some time to recover from her mother's death ,and after all this will end I will introduce you to her .But day by day she become quite , dull pale , didn't talk to anyone , I was annoyed , and I had enugh of her so I called them and introduce them both . I wasn't knowing that Alexander knows verything about you and emma . but after their introduction I saw some chand in her but the chandge was no better , she was sad she looked like a dead person walking in my house with lost hope . so I made my decision to cancle the wedding and accept you , I talked to them alexander and mr Xavier, I told them she is in love with you and I want my daughter's happiness's , but alexander become furies and shout that he love Emma and he will do anything , he threat me to kill her nad you if I won't marry her , he wanted to become good in front of her and he made me bad in her eyes ,so now you tell me I wanted her happiness and I am doing everything for her I want her happy and I can do anything for that ."

Emma's father wipe the tears that rolled down his eyes .

Every word said by her father It made his eyes darken as his blood boil in anger. If only he didn't do that to her trust her let her explain herself .

Before he wanted to kill everyone in that house. Especially her father . cause he thought .He was the reason why Emma suffered but part of it. He also have a fault. But after listing to him he felt reviled and angry ,. He's the reason why Emma left. He hurt her and he was selfish that he didn't realized that EMMA was suffering too.

But he is so wrong the enemy of his love story is that fucking alexander not her father, he was so wrong from the start.

He looked up to her father and hug him " I can't do anything to easy you pain for now but I can promise you that I will keep your daughter safe , happy and I will love her . you don't happy to worry about it now . "

Mr Watson smile at him "I know but the very important thing is to stop the wedding first . " Mr Watson said all seriously .

" well I have an idea but I need your help father -in-law ."

Mr Watson raised an eyebrow at him "my ears are all open speak . "

Cable smirk "did you ever watch my movie father " he spoke "I am champion in kidnaping a bride from wedding , it was my fantasy to do it in real life , and here it my own bride , now I can fulfil my wish . " he winked at Mr Watson .

"what are you going to do , alexander is very dangerous , don't do something stupid " Mr Watson spoke concern

"I won't father but by any mean you have to make my bride and not baster alexander unconscious rest I will do "

Mr Watson nodded " I am trusting you in this " he spoke to cable , cable winked and about to move but stopped . he turn around and looked at Mr Watson with sad eye . "can I ask you something , give me honest answered father " Mr Watson confused looked at him "what "

" is my child good "

Mr Watson eye soften and he nodded "both of them are healthy don't worry "

Cable smile , nodding his head and moved to exit the office .