The shifting...

"Oh, Eva dear, are you sure you want to do this?" the middle aged lady looked at her daughter with worried eyes. Her dark eyes looked at her excited daughter, who was swiftly packing up her stuff in the suitcases. The lady was impeccably dressed in a knee length blue dress, with a pearl string to go with it. Her short blonde hairs were parted sideways and her radiant face currently looked extremely worried.

"Yes mother. Look at me. I am already 24 years old. Don't you think it is time, I go to the big city and work like everybody does?" Eva finally stopped and looked at her mother with loving eyes. She had her mother's blonde hair and big dark eyes. The girl too had a radiant face just like her mother, going perfectly with her tall and slender body.

She walked closer to her mother and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. The girl still dressed in her night suit, with her hair tied in a messy bun, was busy since morning packing her stuff, soon after she got a call from a publishing house in New York City, offering her a job as a junior editor.

"But, sweetie! Why do you even have to work? You come from the most aristocratic family in Alaska and you are our only child. Your dad and I love you so much and have always pampered you! How will you manage all alone in a city like that? You do not even have any experience of living alone." The lady spoke in anguish, sitting on the bed and let out a big sigh. She turned to look at her daughter and she knew the girl was as stubborn as her father. If she made up her mind about something, she will do it for sure.

"Do not worry mother. Besides, we already have a house in the city which is pretty close to my publishing house too. Dad has already arranged a driver and a butler for me, what else do I need?" she smiled, folding up her dresses in the suitcase.

"Fine! But don't forget today's charity party at the lake house. I bought some new dresses for you; you can try them on and see if you like something." The lady sighed trying to make her mind to understand that she could no longer keep her daughter close to her. She is a grown up and would obviously want to work and live on her own.

"Oh! You are the best mother!" she smiled and hugged her mother lovingly.

"I know, I know dear." Her mother rolled her eyes, hugging her back as she knew that Eva was trying to make her happy, so that she does not feel much bad about her daughter shifting to the city.