Not easy being popular...

After calming down the situation did the entire Kennedy family return back home, still feeling a little awkward about what just happened.

Emily and Eva knew that they will have to be the target of everybody in the family now. They both were sitting in the living room of Eva's house while Emily patted her back lovingly. "It is ok sister. I will tell them, it was my idea. You do not have to listen to anybody as long as I am standing with you. Also, nobody can force you to marry Richard. You have the right to say no to any guy you do not like. There should be absolute freedom to marry a partner of your choice."

Eva smiled a bit looking at her sister, feeling blessed to have her in her life. "I just hope they all understand."

Suddenly, all the six elders of the family came inside the living room, giving the two girls angry looks.

"You girls! How can you think of insulting our guest like this? What is wrong with you both?" Emily's father spoke up, letting out a bigh sigh.

"Sweeties, you have to understand that we have a family reputation to uphold and you can not behave in front of the public like that." Eva's mother spoke up looking at her apple tablet in her hand, handing it over to the girls. "Look what the media has written about you now."

Emily and Eva looked at each other holding the tablet in their hands.

"The big Kennedy sister, pushed away younger sister Eva's boyfriend and rumoured fiancee. Is jealousy errupting between the two of them now?" Emily read the headline in much shock.

She then swiped the screen to read another news. "Kennedy sisters, no where humble like their parents. The sisters born with silver spoon push away Richard, insulting him in public."

They both looked at each other in shock and Emily did not have the guts to read any further news.

"It is not easy to handle being popular. You girls have to understand it." Eva's mother spoke looking at the two sisters, with much remorse.

"But Aunty, Eva does not like Richard at all. He is always kissing her and showing public affection towards her as if they both are husband and wife. Of course Eva has a right to reject the boy, if she does not like him." Emily spoke holding Eva's hand, with much love and adoration.