The pervert...

Tall and skinny girls dressed just in the company's lingerie and high heels were walking confidently, on the ramp underneath the spotlights, focusing on their heads one by one. They had over the top accessories on different parts of their bodies, while their up to the mark makeup, made them look extremely alluring!

Jack smiled checking out their bodies, noticing every girl's vital stats, from underneath the different kinds of Bras and underwears. As the girl turned, he checked out the girl's hips, to make sure they are in perfect shape.

The 'inner beauty' had the most gigantic range of styles, ever produced by a company. From pregnancy wear to skimpy beach wear, they had every thing ever needed by a girl in her entire lifetime.

But the auditions were happening only for the beach wear and every model was made to wera just the tiny bras and stringed panties, to reveal their assets upto the maximum, for Jack to have a complete idea.

Just then a tall and ivory skinned model starting walking on the ramp, with a wide smile on her face. She was wearing a knitted bra and a matching green colored panty. Her high heels, made her long and tonned legs look extremely classy, while she started walking with confidence, looking at Jack straight in the eye.

Jack smiled back, checking out the girl's visible boobs but suddenly when the girl turned her back towards Jack, his smile faded away and he quickly got up from his seat in much anger.

"Stop the music! Just stop the music!" Jack shouted and suddenly the lights of the empty auditorium were switched on and all the models turned to look at Jack. Even the company staff, working behind the stage came on the stage and ran towards him in much surprise. The model in knitted bra, whose ramp walk had just been stopped also turned to look at Jack in much surprise.

"What happened boss? Did something wrong happen?" A young blonde girl, holding some documents in her hands with a mike attached to her mouth came rushing towards Jack.