His upbringing...

Melissa was now in terrible tears and she quickly ran away from the stage, still trying to hide her private parts, while everybody was still looking at her noticing her cellulite and white marks on her hips.

Jack tried to calm himself down and then sat down once again on the chair and signalled the blonde girl standing besides him. "Continue the auditions."

Once again at the boy's signal, immediately the lights of the hall were dimmed, the music started to play and the models took back their positions, ready to walk towards Jack, one by one. The girls were now even more nervous, after witnessing Jack's rude and hyper reaction towards Melissa.

Everybody knew, this is who Jack was. All his staff members were also scared of his anger and his impulsive actions. If the boy was made to get hyper by anybody, he could easily cross all the boundaries and would insult the person in front of him without even considering if the person is a girl. To his employees, their boss looked like he had his emotions only in one spot of the body that was under his belt!

Above his belt, he was a brutal and cold man, who never bothered about anybody's respect! This is how the man had been grown up and this is what he had always learnt from his father. Born in one of the wealthiest families of the States, Jack was just 5 years old when he started witnessing his parents fighting every night with each other, shouting about in the house and throwing things at each other.

As he grew a bit older and started to understand more things and he realised that not only his parents fought like cats and dogs, but every night they would bring different people with them to the house. They would spend the night with the people in their respective rooms seperately and in the day time, they would behave like husband and wife in front of the society.

As Jack grew a bit more older, he also realised how his mother was with his father due to his wealth and social status. By now, everybody in the society was aware of their link ups with random strangers and would pity Jack, for having to live in such a disturbed atmosphere!