
The loud slap echoed everywhere in the garden and the living room, while everybody turned around to look at the two of them.

The powerful slap made Lisa fall down on the ground, while her hand still on her stinging cheek. Tear dropped down from her eye and she could not believe the fact that she was nust slapped in front of 500 people that too by her own son.

Till then Frank too came sprinting towards garden and gaped at Lisa in shock. "Oh damn!! Aunty! Are you alright?" He ran towards Lisa and held her arms, making her stand up very carefully on her feet.

"Aunty?? You are calling this lady aunty?? I thought you must be calling each other darling and baby, after your romantic nights together!!" Jack screamed loudly looking at the two of them in much anger.

Everybody around them gasped in shock. They then noticed how Liza's dress was crumpled, her lipstick and mascara smudged and Frank's shirt was partly tucked in, while his buttons only half closed. He had totally forgotten to close his zip and set his hair before sprinting after Jack.

They both stood quietly as they could hear loud murmers around them as more and more people gathered at the scene. Everybody had now known that Lisa was infact sleeping with a boy who was indeed her son's best friend and almost 25 years younger to her.

"And you Frank? How can you do this to me? I treated you like a brother and you in return were sleeping with my mother?? This lady is a slut right from beginning, but what about you?? What happened to you?" Jack screamed holding his curly golden hair with his hands in frustration. He now wanted to throw up again as everything was turning dizzy again.

Everyone gasped in shock, as Jack had just called his mother a slut!

"SLAAAAAPPPPP!!!" Just then another loud noise of the slap, echoed in the garden and this time it was Jack who had fallen on the grass of the garden.