Sleeping beauty...

After another one hour, the boy changed into his boxers and lied down on his bed, trying to sleep. As usual his negative thoughts attacked him, while he was on the bed trying to sleep, constantly thinking about his hollow life. He covered his ears with the pillow, trying to block the mantainance noises coming from the adjoining house.

After every few hours, the boy was woken up by the noises of the staff in the adjoining house and he cursed them all silently, dozzing off to sleep once again...Not knowing, what a twist his life was about to experience from the next day itself..!!

Next Morning...


The sun was already shining bright at 5:00 am, as the alarm clock sprung its head, producing a melodious tone in the gigantic and royal room. A delicate and beautiful hand appeared out from the satin comforter to switch off the alarm and suddenly the girl sat upright, with much force, while her face and body still covered with the quilt.

Just then the girl's room's door opened and somebody gasped in shock looking at the sight. The girl was sitting motionless on bed, with the white satin sheet on her head, covering her completely, which was also shining a bit inside the dark room. The thick curtains of the room, prevented the all night summer sunrays, to enter the room giving them the night effect. The girl looked nothing less scary than a ghost, sitting on the bed!

"Girl! Why are you sitting upright like a ghost? You trying to give me a heart attack?" Eva's mother patted her chest, looking at the girl in surprise. The girl did not move, and was sitting extremely still, covered in shining sheets.

"How will you get up for your job girl? You have no control over your sleep! Always late for school, college and now even for your flight. Get up sweety!! Your flight is at 6:00 am, you are running late." The lady smirked and then quickly caught hold of the sheet on top of her head, pulling it down instantly. She could not help but chuckle looking at Eva's face.

The girl had tried to get up, but had instantly fallen asleep there and then. Her hairs were messy and her mouth was wide open hanging downwards, while she took deep breaths.

"Oh, how I will miss this sleeping beauty so much. And I do not know, how you will manage to get up by yourselves for your new job." The lady smiled, gently pulling back the girl's messy hair making her to look a bit less scary. She then patted the girl's shoulder lovingly, trying to wake her up.

"Sweetie! Get up! The flight is waiting for you. Look at the time." The lady jerked the girl with a bit of force.

Finally, the girl closed her mouth and wiped away the falling saliva from her lips with her hands. "It is ok mom. As if there is any other passanger in the flight. Its just me and the staff in the chatered plane. They can wait for their boss." The girl spoke in sleepy voice and then instantly her mouth fell downwards again as if she had slept again.