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Eva woke up with a strong jerk and dropped the book on the floor instantly. She patted her chest trying to calm herself down and gasped in shock hearing the moaning voices of the two people.

"Ohhhh!!" The boy was now moaning in pleasure, very loudly.

"Ahhhh!! Ahhhh!!" The girl too shreiked loudly. "Hold my boobs boss. Hold my boobs. Suck them hard." The girl spoke in a hoarse and seductive voice making Eva cringe in disgust.

Eva gasped in shock again as she realised that she was literally hearing two people making out. The voices were so evident that the girl had a feeling that somebody was making out, right inside her study area.

She got up with a jolt and walked towards the window to see who was it. She was about to shut the window when she suddenly noticed an entirely naked boy's side angle, whose manhood was inserted inside a naked girl. The girl was made to tilt downwards on her stomach, on top of a shelf and she was pressing her own breasts with her hands.