Is the girl dead..?

He frowned trying to figure out what the voice the was but this was probably the strangest and noisiest voice he had ever heard in his life. He quicky got off from the bed and realised that the voice was indeed coming from his balcony. "Huh?"

He rushed towards his balcony rapidly, feeling extremely anxious and irritated. As soon as he reached the balcony he realised that the voice was coming from straight ahead, from inside the girl's room's window. He frowned coming in close vicinity of the voice and shouted. "Turn off that thing!!! What the hell is that??"

The man shouted at the top of his lungs, but to no effect. The noise was still echoing all over and the boy could now feel a headache coming through. "Hey!! You idiotic person!! Turn that down!! Whatever it is!!" He frowned again shouting at the top of his voice.

The boy took deap breaths, trying to control his anger. "What exactly is this voice? Some sort of irritating howling and drum music??"