New assistant...

The boy was constantly looking at the Victoria's van and frowned as it halted just in front of his house's gate. "Huh? Why have they halted outside my house? Don't they know whose house it this?"

The boy instantly got up from his seat, to have a better look at the van. A young lady, in her late twenties got out of the van, with a big smile on her face. She was holding a vast packet in her hands and she intantly pressed the door bell of Jack's house, while fixing her hair.

"Ehh!? Are they here to give me a free gift? What nonsense is this." The already irritated boy, rushed towards the living room in much anger to answer the door bell. All the way to the door he was grumbling in much rage and irritation.

"What is all this crap! From the day, this girl has entered my life she has made my life a living hell. As if this headache was not enough, now this stupid company is at my door step. Utterly bad morning." The boy walked towards the main gate and pressed the green button.