Confused girl...

In just another few minutes, the girl had already stepped out of the bathroom and was blow drying drying her hair with her one hand, side by side wearing the new white colored 'GUCCI' dress she had bought. She then quickly put on the matching makeup and footwears, and rushed downstairs, carrying a classy DIOR bag on her shoulders.

Eva then rapidly rushed towards the dinning area where the chef has placed the girl's breakfast. She quickly picked up a taco from the plate snd started running towards the porch. "I am going for work. Please prepare my dinner. Byeee." The girl rushed towards her car and instantly unlocked it in much haste, taking a bite of the delicious taco. She sat on the driver's seat, throwing her wine colored bag on the back seat. In an instant she switched on the ignition, wearing her sun glasses and was already driving out of her house.