Her disney land...

Eva blushed a bit, not knowing what to say. "Umm.. I guess.. I was just lucky, like you. You also seem pretty young, but you are working here." The girl smiled, trying to reciprocate the compliment.

"Haha! Yeah.. right." The boy smiled a bit awkwardly as they both walked towards a gigantic white colored striking building, one of the largest buildings in the city. "By the way, It was nice meeting you. I am Hector." The boy held out his hand towards the girl.

"I am Eva Kennedy." The girl shook the boy's hand, finally removing her sun glasses. They both looked at each other for a very long time and the boy was yet again spell bound looking at her pretty face. As she had removed the glasses, he could not help but notice how beautiful and big her eyes were.

"Nice to meet you Eva." The boy finally releaed her hand as they both were about to enter the building through a glass door.