Naive girl...

"Sigh! I guess you are right. We need to act as per the welfare of the office and its employees. Let us go and inform the boss about it." Tia spoke up getting from the seat and they all walked towards the senior boss's office to show him the media and phone pictures.


Eva had seated herself in the second row of the gigantic auditorium, where the meeting was supposed to be held. Several other people too were now sitting on the empty seats, talking to each other happily. They all seemed to be showing each other something over there phones and other gadgets, which had just been forwarded to them in the company wechat group.

Eva smiled looking at everybody in happiness. "Oh how cheerful and lively, everybody is in office. I feel so much optimism and purity in here already. Everyone loves each other!" Eva was smiling looking at all the people, who were giggling and laughing sharing with each other the image that had just been shared.