The senior editor....

"Really? Rules? Me?" Eva smirked devilishly looking at Tia, who dared not to sit yet again on the chair and was standing in one corner. Eva was now giggling as if she was making fun of Tia in her mind. "Hehe.. hehe.. ok.. tell me the rules. This sure is interesting to hear!"

Tia frowned looking at girl's laughter but nevertheless started speaking further. "Firstly, do not get close to junior boss. He is mine and you need to maintain some distance from him, if you want to be in my good books and if you want to stay in this office. Secondly, you cannnot reject my opinions. If I have selected an article or if I have rejected an article, it stays this way. You would not afford to reject my choices, and my family's wrath on you!" Tia folded her hands across her chest authoritatively.

Eva had now pursed her lips, trying hard to not burst into laughter and spit out the coffee from her mouth. She covered her lips with her hand and nodded her head in approval.