Silver lining...

"I know I am a strict boss, but do I not pay you enough to run your respective houses? Have I ever cut your salaries or rebuked you without any reason? This company has been built by me, working hard day and night! This is the least that I expect from you all, to do your work diligantly and honestly." The middle aged boss spoke in much anguish taking everybody by surprise. His usual authoritative and composed manner had faded away, and he looked like he was genuinly hurt by Tia's actions.

Tia was now just sitting in one corner as her face had turned scarlet in humiliation. Everybody else present in the hall had now started to blame Tia, for spoiling the company atmosphere.

"Because of this Tia, boss will think we all are dishonest. This girl has created a mess for all of us." Spoke a man, looking sadly at his boss.

"This Tia should be thrown out of office. Now we will have to face stricter rules because of her." Replied another lady, looking angrily at Tia.