Perfect catch...

Eva gulped in nervouseness and realized her mistake. She should not have mentioned about her grandmother, in this manner which made it obvious about her family background. She had promised herself, that she would avoid revealing her identity, so that she could handle everything on her own and learn things the hard way. "Ahh.. hehe.. just a normal common family boss. Nothing really special, that you would know about it. Alright boss, I better get going to my office." 

"Alright Eva, you may go and start working on designing the cover of the booklet. You have very less time and also it will be a deciding factor of the sales after the current changes. Make sure it goes with the environmental theme of the article." Hector smiled pleasantly and Eva nodded her head, walking away from the two of them towards the exit door in much relief thinking that they could not decifer her family background. 

As soon as the girl left the two of them frowned looking at each other.