
Eva gulped in nervouseness and then turned to look at the magistrate. "Sir, actually there is more to the boy that meets the eye. Actually what happened was that... i did see him with a girl and I freaked out looking at them all naked, but later, we had a discussion about it. Jack came to my office, with his medical prescription which clearly stated that he and that girl had applied a lethal lubricant cream before making love, which made there skin to burn. They paniced and had to instantly, rush towards the nearest source of water, and could not get a chance to wear clothes." Eva pursed her lips, not able to believe the weird story she had cooked up instantly. She herself found her story to be too unreal and she was now looking at the magistrate's face, ready to get a harsh reply from him.

Everyone gasped in shock and turned to look at Jack. Jack was also equally stunned and was looking at Eva in much shock. He did not expect the girl to try and save him.