The change in him...

Amy made a little sad face and looked at the boy with much honesty. "I was only trying to help boss. And, only a few people in locality know about it. After a few days, they will forget everything so we just have to pretend to like each other for a few days." The girl unlocked the car in much worry, as Jack looked extremely annoyed. 

"Fine! I shall see you tomorrow at office." The boy was about to walk away when the old lady too appeared from the exit door. 

"Boss, it is fine. I can drop you to your house. Or everybody will think that we lied to the magistrate. As it is, I know you cannot drive in this condition, so you must have come walking." The girl was now jumping in happiness from inside having getting a chance to sit in the car with the boy. 

"Sigh! Alright." The boy opened the car door and was about to step inside when Mrs. Borris spoke up looking at them.