His anger...

"Aaoouu! It is burning so much." The boy spoke in a muffed voice, taking another big bite of the delicious sandwich, filled with cheese and mustard sauce. 

"Of course, it will burn, you fool." The girl rolled her eyes, while gently massaging his back with her hands. "You were supposed to apply it yesterday night as well and clearly you did not." 

"Yeah! I know." The boy nodded his head smuggly, knowing he was about to get another scolding from the girl. 

"And why could you not tell me to do it, we were literally together the entire time? What is wrong with you Jack. Don't you want your wounds to heal?" The girl spoke in a bit angry tone, walking back towards the medical kit.

She then took out a white colored tube and applied a bit on a piece of cotton. She walked closer to his face and applied the ointment on the boy's wounded lips. 

"I do." The boy nodded his head, replying to the girl, but was in return rebuked again.