I am the family...

"Noooo!!!!" The girl screamed yet again and dropped down on the road itself on her knees looking at the boy's lifeless hand, hanging down from the stretcher. She could see tremendous blood on the road and on the stretcher, giving her an idea, how much blood the boy had already lost.

Several residents of the society came rushing towards Eva, and helped her to get up on her feet, holding her tightly. The girl was now in uncontrollable sobs, and suddenly Mrs. Borris came and hugged the girl tightly, patting the girl's head. "Lord will set everything right my child. Let us pray for the boy." 

Eva nodded her head and folded her hands praying for the boy. Several more people were now standing close to the paramedics, and praying in there own respective manner, while the paramedics were trying to revive the boy. 

"No response sir." Spoke the lady nodding her head in disapprovel.

"Try again." The man instructed, pointing at the boy's chest.