His path to destruction...

Hector gasped a bit loudly, clear enough for Jack to hear it. Jack smirked a bit in mischief, covering his mouth. "Wh... what do you mean our sleep? She is sleeping with you?" 

"Duh!? Why else do you think, I have her phone? She would not gift it to me. We spent the night together, but why are you asking all this?" The boy sounded a bit innocent and genuine.

"Hmm.. Nothing. She is late for her work. That is why!" The boy snapped back in much frustration.

"Ahh! She had a pretty hectic night yesterday. And we both slept very late, so please excuse her, if she does not come or comes very late. She was taking care of me, the entire night after all. Actually, she is not going to come today. You can take payment from me, if you have any financial losses." The boy yet again covered his mouth, to prevent laughing out too loud.