Her tricks...

"Eva get up!" The boy held her head slightly, trying to balance her. "Eva! There is a lizard on your head! Arghh!" The boy screamed a bit loudly tricking her to get up, but was stunned to see the girl yet sleeping. "Eva! There is a storm outside.. The world is about to end.. We have a world war... arghh.." The boy took a deep breath in helplessness looking at peacefully sleeping girl. 

"There has to be something! Eva!! My head is hurting! Help me!" The boy screamed and the girl's eyes instantly opened in much bolt from the blue and she looked at Jack in much worry. "Wh.. what happened? Should I.. call doctor?" The girl touched his face, while speaking in a hoarse voice. 

Jack chuckled looking at the girl. "Mother Teresa, I am fine. I was just trying to wake you up. Now move your ass fast." The boy sat right in front of her, tapping her head. "Knock! Knock! Get up!"