The cruel man...

"N...No... what are you saying.. I... I will not strip. I am your wife, not your slave." Lisa quickly got off from the bed, picking the dress frim floor and sticking it close to her body. She was now cursing her fate tremendousely, for giving her situations like these. Firstly, the only love of her life was killed right before her eyes, while she was beaten black and blue by her father, while she was naked. Now, she is married off to a psycho, who is desperate to strip her and click her nude pictures. 

The girl reached a heavy wodden door and tried to open it desperately. Inspite of opening the latch, the heavy antique door did not open and the girl looked at the chuckling boy in confusion. "Why is this door not opening?"

"Haha! It has a lock password and only I know what it is. Now, cry your heart out, shout out loud but do it while stripping." The man instantly walked up to her and pinned her down to the door.