The high society...

"So what? Just in a few days, you will get used to it. Remove it right now, before I tear it off." The man spoke in authoritative tone, while himself getting dressed for the party.

The girl looked at him in much hesitation, yet not removing the cover up.

"Relax! I will make you so immune in a few days, that you will get used to walking around naked. You will get used to my lifestyle. Just do what I say, or I have other means to make you do it." The man instantly striped down his clothes, pointing towards his manhood. 

The girl gulped in fear and then quickly started to unbutton her black cover up. With a very heavy heard, she slid down the black fabric, revealing her dress.

"Yesss... Ohh! You are indeed hot! I hope you are not wearing any undergarments!?" The man rubbed his erect manhood, looking at the girl from head to toe.