The child is demon...

"Hmmm... but then, we will take your blood samples and I shall inform you about your pregnancy report by evening." The lady doctor, instantly took out a syringe from her kit and collected the blood from the sick girl's arm.

"Thank you doctor." The girl nodded her head and as soon as the doctor stepped out of the room, Lisa burried her face on a pillow and cried her heart out. She was now scared that she might actually be pregnant!

Just then the girl heard the ring of the telephone besides her and straightened her back, wiping her tears. "Hello?" She spoke up, picking the wooden reciever of the phone.

"Hello, Lisa, we have another party tonight. Be ready by 8, and you already know what to wear." The man's voice echoed over the speaker.

"But... but.. I am not feeling well. I don't think I will be able to go t...." The girl wiped away her tears, trying to sound calm.