Office ambience...

"Whatever girl. I am just warning you, if you do not mend your ways, I will have you thrown out of this job and will cancel the contract. So you better listen to me and Tia." The man turned to look at Tia and smiled.

"Tia? Why would I listen to her. Is not she my junior, while I am the senior editor here?" The girl frowned in confusion looking at the two of them. 

They both were purposely showing off there love to each other in front of Eva, nit even bothering to answer back instsntly.

"Hmm... What are you saying? Ahh... you talking about me?" Tia smirked getting up from her seat, wallking towards Eva. The girl had much arrogance and pride in her walk as she walked upto Eva. "I am the boss's girlfriend now so technically I am your boss too. So, from today instead of taking my name, call me lady boss and just agree to all my orders." The girl smirked impishly looking at her.

"What!?" Eva's eyes popped open and she looked at Hector in much surprise.