The elegant boy...

Eva grinned happily, looking at the handome boy and hugged him tightly. "Willy!! What a surprise! What are you doing here?" 

"Ahh sis! This is where I work."  Willy stretched out his hands widely. "Dad built this mall, few years back so now I manage this while, he is looking at the construction of the other mall." Willy smiled looking at the girl, as if wanting to tell her of his every achievement." 

"Oh wow! This mall is yours! Amazing Willy. I had no idea. My friend Rosalyn and I are here to have lunch." Eva pointed towards Rosalyn, who gave a slight smile to the boy.

"Hi Rosalyn. I am William. You can call me Willy." Willy held out his hand, while Rosalyn smiled a bit shaking his hand. Willy looked at Rosalyn from head to toe and could not help but admire her beauty. The girl was wearing a short denim dress, and her blonde hair were tied in a neat bun. She wore matching converse shoes and looked extremely cute.