A few drops of relief

As soon as they entered the building, they spotted Hector standing right next to the elevator, as if waiting for them both. The two girls looked at each other in confusion and then walked towards elevator. "What is he up to now?" Eva whispered in the girl's earm

"Sigh! No idea. But we did not do anything wrong. Maybe he is just casually standing waiting for somebody else." Rosalyn pursed her lips, after speaking very softly.

"He is looking at us only. I highly doubt, he is standing casually." Eva looked in the boy's eyes in much confidence.

"Ahh! Look who are roaming around together." Hector smirked looking at the two girls in much antagonism. 

"Hello boss." The two girls spoke in unison, looking at the man smiling imishly at them.

"So, why are you girls roaming out? Give me one good reason." Hector folded his hands across his chest, looking at the girls ready to bash them.