Game plan...

"Oh dear! Really? Is it that serious? I am mean yes, I know it is that serious. I can feel it." The girl sighed deeply, placing her hand on her chest. 

"Just take care ma'am. And don't be careless about it. And, don't worry, I know you are under tremendous work pressure, but I will handle it all." Rehana smiled assuringly, and was in her heart praising her acting skills. She was really impressed with her own sad tone, even though she wanted to laugh out loud. 

Hector was rolling his eyes, hearing the conversations of the two girls. "Alright Rehana. You may leave now. Tia will be on a leave for a few days." 

"Yes boss." The girl nodded her head and then walked away grinning ear to ear. As soon as she stepped out of the office, she screamed in much joy and jumped straight on top of Rosalyn and Eva. "Eeeeeee!!! Oh my God! She is taking a few days' off. I am free! Thank you guys!!