Year 1905

She looked around her in confusion as the world seemed to be a lot more different to her. "Something has changed! I can sense so many things around me! I can hear so clearly each and everything." Eva looked at the shining sun directly and it did not even hurt her eyes a bit. The more she looked at sun, the more she felt good and extremely empowered. As if the girl was in some kind of a trance, she kept looking at the sun for a very long time. 

"Hey Miss, you forgot your balance. Surely, you are not giving me whooping 432 dollars as a tip." Suddenly a voice errupted near her breaking Eva's concentration.

"Huh?" Eva blinked several times and turned to look at the waiter who had served her the juice. 

"It is fine. Take it." Eva nodded her head as she looked directly in the waiter's confused eyes. The man was looking at Eva as if she was some kind of an insane person, left loose.