The witch

He rapidly crossed all the corridors, heading towards where he could hear his staff members from a very far away distance. He was growling like a wild beast, who was eager to hunt for his food. Just then his gaze fell upon a staff member, who was cleaning the living room of the castle. Firdauze halted and looked at the man craefully. He then bent a little and slowly strated to walk towards him, looking hungrily at his neck. 

"Greetings your highness!" The man bowed a bit, as he moped the floor with a long stick. 

"Hmm... your young heart and fresh blood looks amazing to me." Firdauze smirked walking closer to the young man, who was now a little taken aback by Firdauze's blood smeared face. 

He left the broom stick and took a few steps back looking at him in much surprise. "I thought the legends were wrong. You are a vampire."