Controlling the demon

Rabia looked at her in confusion. "What is a pure vampire Maya?" 

"Well, usually vampires are known as the demon of the dark. They kill people and other inncocent beings for their thirst of blood. But she is a pure vampire, who will know the value of human life as she has a part of witch in her too." Maya smiled and then handed back the baby to Rabia. "She will also be a vampire one day, but her soul wilk not be killed." 

Rabia smiled looking at Tiana, caressing her hair. "I just feel bad for her. Her mother was a really good girl but she was never treated right by his highness." 

"Well, karma has its way of biting people worse than a vampire bite." Maya smirked and climbed down from the chariot as it halted on the porch of the castle. "Hmmm.... I can smell an enemy." Maya took deep breaths, looking at the first floor of the castle, in left direction.