Her breasts

"No! Please. Let me feed on you. Just a few drops for today. I beg of you Rabia." Firdauze sobbed looking in the girl's eyes abd Rabia felt extremely sorry for the man. She quickly rushed towards the pantry of the castle wing and fetched a silver vessel and a knife. She then halted right outside the door and looked at the man. 

"Just a few drops your highness." Rabia cut the skin of her index finger a bit and let the blood drops fall on the vessel.

"Arghhhh!!" Firdauze screamed like a monster smelling the blood and walked rapidly towards Rabia, scaring her a bit. 

"You are scaring me, your highness." Rabia took deap breaths, as she looked at Firdauze in much panic. 

"BAMMM!!!" Firdauze once again bumped on the invisible door set by the witch and was thrown away on top of a glass table, crashing it to pieces. 


"ARGHHHHH!!!" Firdauze screamed at the top of his voice looking at Rabia.