Choose well

Rabia looked at Maya in much surprise. "He killed a witch and yet you approve of him for me?" 

"Ahh, you can say that the witch's death has changed him. Besides, who would make a better mother for this witch than you?" Maya smiled looking at little Tiana.

"But he is immortal where as, I will die like every normal human being. Then what will happen?" Rabia spoke in utter confusion as if Maya was talking something which was not possible. 

"Well, true love finds its way back. If your love is true, you can be an immortal too or I can help you take repeated births like witches. It is all upto you my dear." Maya smiled standing up on her feet. "Well, it is time for me to practice and I hope you choose well." 

Rabia took a deep breath and stood up on her feet as well. She picked up Tiana in her arms and smiled looking at Maya. "Thank you Maya. I shall take your leave."