Vampire's Passion

"You see this.... This is what you do to me, everytime I see you." He whispered softly in her ear and bit her earlob lightly.  "And I will not backoff now, not untill you are mine.... Forever." 

Rabia struggled to push away her hand, but Firdauze had tightly placed her hand on top of his errection. "No! No! I don't want this. Please your highness." She looked him in the eye in much nervouseness as she could feel her body yet again longing for his errection. "I don't think, it is correct."

"This is the most correct thing, I have ever done Rabia. There is no going back now." Firdauze clutched the collar of her robe and ripped it apart with his one hand making the entire robe to fall on the ground. 

"Noooo!!" Rabia screamed as she tried to cover herself with her one free hand. Firdauze finally let go off her hand and took a few steps back looking at the girl. Rabia was now dressed only a white cotton panty, while she stood shivering in front of him.